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Écrit pour la communauté musulmane par Muzz, la première application de mariage musulman au monde. Si vous recherchez des articles sur les relations musulmanes, les mariages musulmans et tout ce qui entoure un mode de vie halal, vous êtes au bon endroit !

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Fakta WAJIB TAHU tentang perkahwinan dalam Islam

Semua orang mengimpikan perkahwinan dan rumah tangga yang bahagia dalam hidup mereka. Ia juga menjadi impian untuk memiliki perkahwinan yang kekal hingga akhir hayat bersama orang yang kita sayang dan cinta. Begitu banyak kisah dalam Al-Quran, sirah Nabi dan cerita yang dikongsikan berkaitan hal percintaan dan perkahwinan yang indah dalam Islam untuk dijadikan teladan untuk kita yang bakal memasuki alam rumah tangga ataupun yang sedang menjalankan kehidupan berkahwin. 

Namun begitu, kita sebagai manusia tidak lari dari kesilapan berumah tangga dan kini dengan adanya media sosial dan teknologi, kisah rumah tangga yang runtuh seringkali muncul sebagai topik bualan netizen. Ia hangat dibincangkan dan membuat anak muda yang masih tidak berkahwin menjadi ragu-ragu untuk memasuki alam perkhawinan. 

Semoga perkongsian blog ini menjadi garis panduan buat pasangan mahupun individu yang masih single untuk melengkapkan diri dengan ilmu perkahwinan terutama sekali dari aspek hukum dan tanggungjawab seseorang dalam perkahwinan dalam Islam. 

Isi Kandungan

Maksud Perkahwinan dalam Islam

Hadis & ayat Quran tentang Perkahwinan

Rukun Islam 5 perkara, rukun nikah bagaimana? 

Tanggungjawab Suami dan Isteri mengikut Islam


Maksud Perkahwinan dalam Islam

Perkahwinan merupakan sebuah ikatan yang sah di antara seorang lelaki dan perempuan dan perkahwinan dalam Islam pula adalah ikatan yang sah mengikut hukum yang telah ditetapkan dalam Islam. Selain mengikuti hukum yang ditetapkan oleh Islam, perkahwinan yang sah juga perlu memenuhi syarat dan proses yang ditetapkan undang-undang oleh sebuah negara.

Perkahwinan dalam Islam kebiasaannya akan disesuaikan oleh sesuatu masyarakat agar adat resam “tidak lapuk dek zaman”. Perkahwinan di kalangan masyarakat Melayu yang masih mengikut adat namun tetap mengikuti hukum yang ditetapkan dalam Islam merupakan salah satu contoh yang boleh diambil. Ia mempunyai proses seperti merisik, meminang, bertunang dan berkahwin yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak pengantin serta keluarga mereka. 

Menurut hukum Islam, perkahwinan tidak akan sah tanpa “Ijab dan Qabul” iaitu akad nikah yang dilafazkan oleh pengantin lelaki dengan Wali pengantin perempuan. Akad nikah merupakan sebuah kontrak atau perjanjian di antara sebuah pasangan untuk menjadi suami isteri yang disaksikan oleh dua orang saksi lelaki.

Hadis & ayat Quran tentang Perkahwinan

Allah سبحانه وتعالىberfirman:

وَمِن كُلِّ شَىْءٍ خَلَقْنَا زَوْجَيْنِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ ﴿٤٩﴾

“Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan supaya kamu mengingati (kekuasaan Kami dan mentauhidkan Kami) akan kebesaran Allah.” (Surah Adz-Dzariyaat 51; Ayat 49)

Dari ayat ini, sudah dijelaskan bahawa Allah telah mencipta manusia dengan fitrah yang inginkan pasangan dan ingin berpasangan untuk berkongsi kasih dan mencintai sesama sendiri. Pasangan yang disebutkan adalah pasangan yang saling mengingati sesama sendiri tentang suruhan dan kewajipan agama serta menunaikan ajaran Islam. 

Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda:

يا معشر الشباب من استطاع منكم الباءة فليتزوج فإنه أغض للبصر وأحصن للفرج ومن لم يستطع فعليه بالصوم فإنه له وجاء. (رواه البخارى و مسلم)

“Wahai para pemuda! Sesiapa di antara kamu telah mampu berkahwin, maka bernikahlah. Kerana nikah itu dapat menundukkan mata dan memelihara faraj (kelamin) dan sesiapa tidak sanggup, maka hendaklah berpuasa kerana puasa itu dapat membendung syahwat.” (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Selain dari keinginan untuk berpasangan, keinginan untuk melakukan hubungan seksual juga merupakan salah satu fitrah manusia. Perkahwinan dalam Islam dapat membendung hubungan seksual di luar nikah atau zina yang menyebabkan pelbagai jenis penyakit dan masalah sosial dikalangan masyarakat. 

Hukum perkahwinan dalam Islam terbahagi kepada 5 iaitu:

Harus berkahwin

Untuk golongan yang tiada suruhan atau paksaan untuk berkahwin.

Wajib berkahwin

Tertakluk kepada golongan yang mampu (fizikal, mental dan kewangan) dan mempunyai keinginan untuk berpasangan. Golongan ini diwajibkan berkahwin untuk mengelakkan berlakunya maksiat. 

Sunat berkahwin

Bagi orang yang mampu untuk berkahwin dan telah cukup umur mereka, golongan ini digalakkan untuk berkahwin meskipun mereka dapat mengawal nafsu.

Makruh berkahwin

Golongan yang makruh berkahwin terdiri daripada orang yang tidak mampu memberi nafkah zahir dan batin kepada isteri namun keadaan mereka tidak memudaratkan isteri. 

Haram berkahwin

Terdapat juga hukum haram untuk seseorang berkahwin dan hal ini demikian kerana mereka tidak mampu untuk memberi nafkah (zahir dan batin) kepada isteri atau mereka tiada keinginan untuk berkahwin. Golongan ini diharamkan untuk berkahwin kerana dikhuatiri akan menyakiti isterinya kelak. 

Rukun Islam 5 perkara, rukun nikah bagaimana? 

Seringkali orang berkata, perkahwinan itu suatu ibadah, terutama sekali perkahwinan dalam Islam. Setiap ibadah mempunyai rukun dan syarat agar ibadah tersebut menjadi sah. Jika rukun Islam ada 5 perkara, begitu juga dengan rukun nikah. 

Rukun nikah terdiri daripada 5 perkara yang wajib ada iaitu pengantin lelaki, pengantin perempuan, wali, saksi, ijab dan qabul. Untuk setiap 5 perkara ini, terdapat syarat yang perlu ada untuk memastikan nikah yang dilangsungkan tidak mendatangkan kemudaratan pada hari kemudian. 

Syarat Bakal Suami

  • Islam
  • Lelaki
  • Bukan mahram dengan bakal Isteri
  • Bukan lelaki yang sedang dalam Ihram haji/umrah
  • Tidak dipaksa
  • Mengetahui wali yang sah untuk akad nikah tersebut
  • Mengetahui bakal isterinya memenuhi syarat dan sah untuk dinikahi
  • Tidak mempunyai empat orang isteri yang sah pada waktu saya sama

Syarat Bakal Isteri

  • Islam
  • Bukan seorang khunsa
  • Perempuan yang tertentu
  • Bukan berada dalam tempoh iddah
  • Tidak berada dalam ihram haji/umrah
  • Tidak dipaksa 
  • Bukan mahram dengan bakal suami
  • Bukan isteri orang

Syarat Wali

  • Adil
  • Islam
  • Baligh
  • Lelaki
  • Merdeka
  • Tidak fasik, kafir atau murtad
  • Bukan dalam ihram haji/umrah
  • Waras
  • Tiada kecacatan akal fikiran atau gila
  • Rela sendiri dan tidak dipaksa
  • Tidak muflis atau ditahan kuasa atas hartanya

Syarat Saksi

  • Islam
  • Lelaki
  • Baligh
  • Tiada kecacatan akal fikiran atau gila
  • Merdeka
  • Perlu ada sekurang-kurangnya dua orang wali
  • Memahami kandungan lafaz ijab dan qabul
  • Dapat mendengar, melihat dan bercakap (tidak buta, bisu atau pekak)
  • Adil (Tidak melakukan dosa besar dan tidak berterusan melakukan dosa-dosa kecil)

Syarat Ijab dan Qabul

  • Dilakukan dengan perkataan nikah atau perkataan yang membawa maksud yang sama.
  • Tidak dikaitkan dengan tempoh masa yang tertentu.
  • Bukan dilakukan secara taklik.
  • Tidak boleh menggunakan perkataan yang berupa atau membawa maksud berkias atau menyindir.
  • Ijab diucapkan oleh wali atau wakilnya dan Qabul diucapkan oleh pengantin lelaki atau wakilnya (atas sebab tertentu)
  • Qabul haruslah bersesuaian dengan lafaz ijab
  • Diucapkan secara nyata, terang dan jelas.
  • Qabul haruslah menyebut nama bakal isteri

Tanggungjawab Suami dan Isteri mengikut Islam

Perkahwinan dalam Islam merupakan satu penyatuan antara suami dan isteri untuk membina masjid yang kukuh. Penyatuan tersebut datang dengan kehadiran tanggungjawab yang digalas oleh setiap pasangan untuk memastikan perkahwinan tersebut terurus dan sentiasa harmoni. Oleh yang demikian, Islam telah menetapkan tugas ataupun tanggungjawab yang wajib untuk untuk pasangan suami dan isteri yang boleh diikuti. 

Tanggungjawab wajib bagi suami

  1. Memberi nafkah zahir dan batin seperti menyediakan makanan & tempat tinggal kepada isteri serta anak-anak.
  2. Melayani isteri dan anak-anak dengan baik.
  3. Melindungi isteri dan anak-anak.
  4. Menjaga maruah keluarga dan harta benda
  5. Membimbing  serta mendidik isteri dan anak-anak dengan ajaran Islam

Tanggungjawab wajib bagi isteri

  1. Patuh terhadap suruhan suami dan melayan suami dan anak-anak dengan baik
  2. Menumpukan sepenuh kasih sayang kepada suami dan anak-anak.
  3. Menjaga kebersihan rumah tangga dan kesihatan diri serta anak-anak.
  4. Menjaga amanah dan harta suami serta menyimpan rahsia hubungan rumahtangga.
  5. Berhias diri untuk tatapan suami dan menjaga aurat serta kehormatan diri.


Sebagai seorang Muslim, dan seorang manusia yang mempunyai fitrah serta keinginan untuk berkasih sayang, sudah tentu kita impikan alam perkahwinan yang indah dan harmoni bersama jodoh kita sehingga akhir hayat. Perkahwinan dalam Islam telah menetapkan garis panduan yang boleh diikuti agar setiap rumahtangga yang dibina dapat kekal kukuh dan megah sehingga ke jannah, insyaAllah.

Zaman moden kini, pencarian jodoh bukanlah menjadi tanggungjawab ibu bapa semata, tetapi bakal pengantin juga boleh mencari jodoh mereka sendiri. Teknologi telah mengubah budaya dan aplikasi perkahwinan dengan kemudahan pencarian jodoh di aplikasi seperti Muzz dan juga dengan adanya aplikasi perkahwinan orang Muslim. Semoga setiap pasangan menemui jodoh yang baik & diredhai Allah, Amin.


Beyond Stereotypes: Understanding Arab Men through Cultural Lens

When looking to find a potential husband, you’re going to come across men that come from many unique cultures, either similar or different from yourself. Many questions can arise if you don’t have much knowledge about these cultures. 

Don’t stress! In this article, we’re going to discuss the richness of Arab culture and how the foundation of it influences Arab men to carry the familial and community-driven values they have. 

Marrying outside of your culture is a beautiful way to showcase your own culture while opening yourself up to someone else’s world. Although it is also known as being taboo, it is also considered a sunnah. Arab men are extremely diverse in their culture with each country having its spin on common traditions and different dialects of Arabic spoken. 

Table of Contents

Islamic Stance on Intercultural Marriages

Foundation of Arab Culture

Arab Men: Stereotypes vs. Reality

Getting to Know Someone Outside of Your Culture 

Arab Wedding Traditions 


Islamic Stance on Intercultural Marriages

The Quran states “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allâh is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa” [49:13]. 

We were created from different nations and ethnicities to discover one another through our cultures. Through culture, you find out how a person forms their lifestyle and beliefs, as well as their morals and values. 

Arab culture is known for its vibrant customs and hospitality. Arab men in particular are taught to hold chivalrous roles in the household, especially towards women. Respect is always at the forefront of Arab culture as they want to make everyone feel comfortable and welcomed in their presence. 

When you enter an Arab household, you’re going to be given the utmost respect. Your hosts are going to make sure you feel as comfortable as you can in their household and will be right by your side to offer you food, dessert and tea until you can’t eat anymore! This is only a sneak peek into their cultural values and how they treat each other. 

Foundation of Arab Culture

Family is the heart of Arab culture. Oftentimes in the media, we see many stereotypes and misconceptions about Arab men. They’re made to be portrayed as controlling and self-obsessed. You may also see that they have hyper-masculine traits, but these stereotypes steer those who are outside the Arab culture away from the truth. 

The media fails to depict the gentleness and loving attributes of a father towards his daughter, a son looking up to his mother’s loving attributes and a husband making it his mission to make sure his wife is valued and loved in their marriage. 

In Islam, we see clearly the role of the husband and wife in a marriage. We see that the husband’s job is to provide for his family and to make sure they never feel any lack. This directly challenges the stereotype that women are meant to be “slaves” in the household and are only present to serve the men. We see these values embedded into Arab culture through their generosity and eagerness to support their family in any way possible. 

Arab Men: Stereotypes vs. Reality

The media show us that Arab men thrive off of oppressing women, further driving a wedge between their real personas. Arab culture works with the rights of a woman and makes it known that wives, mothers, daughters, etc. are the foundation of a household and hold such a monumental role in the life of a man. 

Marrying women strong in their beliefs (religious and non-religious beliefs) is encouraged as these same women will help raise the next generation of families with this same belief system. Arab households want to ensure that their children grow up with the same strong attributes that both men and women possess. 

Related content: We make it easy to chat with Arab singles

A common theme is that Arab men are not supposed to show emotion, they’re supposed to present themselves as resilient and strong all the time. The question then poses, if emotion and vulnerability are not shown, then how are members of a household supposed to effectively communicate and grow community? 

Arab culture thrives off of community which begins at home. As the husband holding the head of household title, it begins with him as he collaborates with his wife to create a safe community for generations to come. 

Getting to Know Someone Outside of Your Culture 

Marriage and getting to know someone can feel like an overwhelming task, especially if you’re new to putting yourself out there. Culture serves as a great ice breaker if you’re speaking to someone with the same ethnicity as you. 

Related content: Finding Arab love has never been easier!

However, if you’re okay with meeting people outside of your culture, you may need to work slightly harder to find a common ground at the first meeting. Although many cultures share similar values, it is important to talk about these values so that person is informed. You can also learn a lot about marriage expectations through these cultural values. 

Don’t be afraid to speak about your experiences within your culture and the parts you would like to take into a marriage and parts you’d want to leave behind. Discussing culture aspects  in depth gives you insight into how understanding and accommodating someone is to your familial values and future lessons you want to teach the next generation. 

Arab Wedding Traditions

As mentioned earlier, each Arab country has its own set of cultural traditions, but they also hold many similarities that unite the cultures together.  Two of the more known Arab dominant countries are Saudi Arabia and Egypt. When it comes to Egyptian weddings, pre-wedding events such as the Laylat Al-hinna, also known as the “night of the henna party” are arranged for the bride to celebrate her upcoming big day. This tradition dates back centuries and is rooted in celebrating a happy and blessed marriage for the couple ahead. 

Related content: The Traditions of an Arabic Wedding

As for Saudi Arabian culture, they hold a similar ceremony called “Laylat al Ghumra” which holds the same significance and concept. The bride adorns herself with a beautifully embroidered dress and jewellery from her fiance. Friends and family join in the celebration in anticipation and happiness of the bride’s new chapter of life, which directly connects back to the foundation of Arab culture being family-oriented. 


It can be a unique experience getting to know someone from a different culture and we would hope you find it to be an insightful one as well. As Muslims, we put our religion first and want our deen to be the foundation of our marriage. Culture comes after that, and we hope to combine cultural values to supplement the religious values we’re bringing into our marriage. Through respecting one another, finding the beauty in each other’s cultures and improving each other through the values you possess, you’re bound to set yourself up for a successful marriage and healthy family for the next generation to come. 


Guide complet pour choisir un site de rencontre sérieux

Plus les années passent, plus la technologie continue de progresser, aujourd’hui les réseaux sociaux ainsi que les plateformes de rencontres en ligne occupent une place prépondérante dans la vie de la majorité des Français. Que ce soit dans la recherche de l’amour, du mariage ou juste du social. 

Malheureusement, ce n’est pas une chose facile de trouver un site de rencontre sérieux et fiable. Il existe tellement de sites de rencontre que ça peut vite devenir une tâche compliquée. C’est pourquoi grâce à cet article nous aimerions vous accompagner sur la façon de choisir un site de rencontre sérieux, qui vous conviendra le mieux ! 

Table des matières

Pourquoi choisir un site de rencontre sérieux ? 

Comment choisir le meilleur site de rencontre sérieux ? 

Conseils pour faire des rencontres en ligne 

Pourquoi choisir un site de rencontre sérieux ? 

Il est important de choisir un site de rencontre sérieux. Premièrement, les chances de trouver l’amour seront plus importantes, de plus vous vous sentirez plus en sécurité, la qualité des profils sur ces sites est déterminante. Deuxièmement, les différentes plateformes mettent un point d’honneur sur la protection et la confidentialité de vos informations personnelles.

Elles fournissent aussi des fonctionnalités avancées et effectuent des tests de personnalité pour mieux identifier les correspondances pour vous afin de trouver des partenaires qui seront le plus compatibles avec vous. 

Les différents avantages d’un site de rencontre sérieux 

1. Inscription gratuite : Les avantages principaux d’un site de rencontre sérieux incluent l’inscription gratuite, ce qui est un plus soyons honnête. La plupart des plateformes populaires proposent cette fonctionnalité gratuitement, ce qui constitue un avantage évident : elles vous permettent de profiter de certains de leurs services sans aucune obligation monétaire initiale.

Cela vous donne la possibilité d’évaluer la plateforme sans contrainte financière et de déterminer si elle correspond à vos attentes. Sinon, vous pouvez simplement supprimer votre compte sans être engagé. 

2. Tests de personnalité et options : Un bon site de rencontre sérieux utilise un test de personnalité afin de vous aider à découvrir des correspondances plus précises grâce à l’algorithme. Ces tests de personnalité sont généralement fondés sur des recherches psychologiques qui évaluent différentes facettes de votre personnalité, ainsi que vos préférences relationnelles, afin d’identifier les personnes qui pourraient être des potentiels partenaires compatibles pour vous. 

3. Fonctionnalités avancées : des fonctionnalités telles que des filtres de recherche, diverses options de communication et des outils de sécurité tels que la vérification de profil sont souvent disponibles (vous pouvez retrouvez des filtres sur l’âge, la localisation, la taille, et bien plus encore en fonction du site de rencontre que vous utilisez).

Des options telles que la messagerie instantanée, les appels vidéo et les suggestions de profils basés sur ces différents algorithmes améliorent l’expérience des utilisateurs et favorisent des interactions plus significatives et intéressantes. 

Comment choisir le meilleur site de rencontre sérieux ?  Réputation et avis des utilisateurs 

Avant de vous inscrire, il est crucial de vérifier la réputation du site. Lisez les avis et les évaluations des utilisateurs pour découvrir à quel point le site est fiable et efficace. Les forums, les blogs, et les comparateurs de sites de rencontres sont de bonnes sources de retours honnêtes et détaillés, mais vous pouvez également vous rendre directement sur l’App Store ou le Playstore pour lire les différents avis laissés par les différents utilisateurs, cela vous donnera un avis assez réelle de ce qui vous attends; 

Sécurité et protection des données 

Assurez-vous que le site ou l’application protège vos données personnelles et prenez des mesures pour empêcher les faux profils. Un bon site de rencontre doit avoir une politique claire de protection des données et des options pour signaler les abus.

Vérifiez si le site de rencontre utilise une technologie de cryptage pour protéger vos informations et propose des options pour contrôler qui peut consulter votre profil et vos informations personnelles/photos. Il est également important de pouvoir signaler les profils problématiques (faux profils, profils pouvant présenter un danger pour autrui, etc.). 

Public cible 

Il est important de choisir un bon site de rencontre sérieux. En fonction de votre âge, de vos attentes, etc. Prenons un exemple, si vous avez plus de 50 ans, vous pouvez vous tourner vers un site de rencontres pour seniors. De même qui si vous êtes, par exemple Musulmans, choisissez un site de rencontre destiné à la communauté, cela facilitera les rencontres interculturelles destinées au mariage. Il existe des sites dédiés à presque tout. Vous trouverez sûrement votre bonheur sur un de ces sites/applications ! 

Trouvez celui avec Muzz. Téléchargez l’application aujourd’hui.

Fonctions fournies 

Découvrez les fonctionnalités offertes par ce site. Des outils tels que la messagerie instantanée, les appels vidéo et les filtres de recherche détaillés vous font gagner du temps et améliorent votre expérience de rencontre. Des fonctionnalités telles que des événements en ligne ou en physique, des ateliers de développement personnel et des blogs relationnels peuvent également enrichir votre expérience et vous aider à mieux comprendre vos besoins et ceux des partenaires potentiels. Il s’agit de vous mettre sur la même longueur d’onde. 

Essai gratuit et abonnement 

Bénéficiez de l’inscription gratuite afin de tester le site de rencontre. Cela permettra de vous familiariser avec les différents services proposés avant de souscrire à un abonnement payant. Prenez le temps pour analyser les différentes propositions d’abonnement afin de choisir celle qui répondra le mieux à vos besoins et à votre budget.  

Certaines plateformes offrent assez régulièrement des promotions ou des périodes d’essai à prix réduit, ce qui peut-être une bonne opportunité pour tester les différents services proposés ! 

Conseils pour faire des rencontres en ligne  Complétez votre profil 

Un profil bien détaillé avec des photos authentiques, une bio et des centres d’intérêts augmente vos chances de trouver une bonne correspondance et peut-être votre âme sœur. Décrivez vos intérêts, vos valeurs, vos hobbies et ce que vous recherchez dans une relation.

Soyez précis et honnête dans vos descriptions pour attirer des personnes qui partagent vos passions et vos objectifs. Les profils complets ont plus de chance d’attirer l’œil que ceux qui n’en n’ont pas ! De même que les photos, ajoutez des photos qui vous mettent en valeur et de préférence de bonne qualité ! 

Soyez honnête 

La transparence sur vos intentions et vos attentes est essentielle, c’est même primordiale. Soyez honnête sur votre situation et ce que vous recherchez chez un partenaire. Cela permet d’établir une base de confiance dès le départ et d’éviter les malentendus et les déceptions futures. Et surtout ne faites pas perdre de temps à la personne en face de vous. 

Prenez des précautions 

Il est toujours préférable d’être vigilant surtout en 2024, ne donnez jamais d’ informations personnelles trop rapidement, si vous devez rencontrez une personne, privilégiez un lieu public, et de préférence en journée, comme un café par exemple. N’oubliez pas de prévenir une amie, ou de la famille. Si vous trouvez un profil suspect, n’hésitez pas, bloquez-le et informez directement le site ou l’application. 

Communiquez efficacement 

La communication est très importante, n’hésitez pas à poser des questions dès le début pour mieux connaître la personne, soyez honnête sur vos intentions c’est une chose primordiale. Prenez le temps d’apprendre la personne et de voir si vous partagez les mêmes valeurs, intérêts et objectifs. Le but n’est pas de parler pour parler. Montrez à la personne en face de vous que vous êtes ouvert à la conversation et que vous êtes intéressés.

Évitez les faux profils 

Attention !! Malheureusement en 2024 les applications et les différents sites de rencontre font face à de nombreux faux profils. N’oubliez pas si vous voyez un profil qui vous semble suspect n’hésitez pas à le reporter directement au site ou à l’application en question.

Comment repérer un faux profil ? C’est simple ! En général ils ont des photos un peu trop parfaites, ils donnent rarement leurs vrais prénoms ou leurs localisation, et parfois ils sont capables de vous demander des informations bancaires (surtout ne divulguez jamais les vôtres). Donc restez vigilent, surtout au début ! 


Trouver le grand amour en ligne peut-être une chose et une expérience compliquée surtout en 2024, mais si vous choisissez le bon site de rencontre sérieux ce sera sans doute une tâche plus facile. Nous espérons que grâce à nos conseils vous trouverez le site de rencontre qui vous convient le mieux.

N’oubliez pas la clé c’est la patience, prenez le temps de naviguer à travers les différentes étapes pour répondre à vos besoins. Il est aussi primordial que vous restiez en sécurité donc n’hésitez pas à demander autour de vous des conseils et prenez le temps de lire les différents avis en ligne.


Güvenilir Evlilik Sitesi ile Hayalinizdeki Müslüman Eşi Bulun

Aşk ve evlilik, her kültürde farklı şekillerde yaşanır ve her topluluk, bu güzel duyguyu benzersiz geleneklerle kutlar. Türkiye gibi Müslüman toplumlarda evlilik, sadece iki insan arasında değil, aynı zamanda iki aile arasında kutsal bir birleşme olarak görülmektedir.

Muzz, bu özel yolculuğu anlayan ve destekleyen bir evlilik sitesi ve uygulaması olarak, size hayatınızın aşkını bulma konusunda en güvenilir yardımcınız olmayı hedefliyor.


Muzz Neden Güvenilir Bir Evlilik Sitesi?

Muzz: Güvenli ve Saygılı Evlilik Sitesi Ortamı

Kolay ve Etkileşimli Kullanıcı Deneyimi

Muzz ile Mutlu Bir Evlilik Yolculuğuna Çıkın

Muzz Neden Güvenilir Bir Evlilik Sitesi? Geliştirilmiş ve Özelleştirilmiş Eşleştirme Sistemi

Muzz, dini değerlerinize ve kişisel tercihlerinize saygı gösteren özelleştirilmiş bir eşleştirme sistemi sunar. Evlilik sitelerinde aradığınız kişinin bu gelişmiş özellik sayesinde, yaşam tarzınıza, dini pratiklerinize, gelecek eşinizin eğitim ve sosyal niteliklerine ek olarak evlilik önceliklerinize göre de özenle seçilmiş kişileri sitemize üye olarak tanıma fırsatı bulursunuz.

Derinlemesine Profil Analizi

Üye olurken, profiliniz sizi en iyi şekilde temsil eden ve potansiyel eş adaylarınıza gerçek bir bakış açısı sunan detaylı bilgiler içerir. Biz, hobilerinizden, eğitim düzeyinize, iş yaşamınızdan dini uygulamalarınıza kadar geniş bir yelpazede bilgi toplayarak, üye olan diğer bireylerle sizin gibi düşünen insanları buluşturmayı amaçlıyoruz. Diğer evlilik siteleri ve uygulamalarından ayrı olarak da sunmuş olduğumuz detaylı profil bilgilendirme özellikleri sayesinde, tam olarak istediğiniz kişiyi bulmanızda kolaylık sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.

Muzz: Güvenli ve Saygılı Evlilik Sitesi Ortamı Gelişmiş Güvenlik Önlemleri

Muzz, kullanıcılarının mahremiyetine ve güvenliğine büyük önem verir. Güvenli bir şekilde üye olmak isteyen her yeni kullanıcı, uygulamamızın güvenlik önlemleri ve kuralları çerçevesinde detaylı bir onay sürecinden geçer. Bu güvenlik önemlerine ek olarak gelişmiş yüz tanıma teknolojimiz sayesinde, siz üyelerimize tamamen gerçek insanlardan oluşan bir deneyim sunma şansına sahip oluyoruz. Sunmuş olduğumuz yüz bulanıklaştırma hizmetimiz sayesinde de kendi suratını eşleşme ve konuşma aşamasına gelmeden önce paylaşmak istemeyen kadın kullanıcılarımıza ek güvenlik sağlamış oluyoruz.

Saygılı İletişim

Platformumuzda saygı, her etkileşimin temel taşıdır. Üyeler siteye üye olurken ve iletişim bilgilerini paylaşırken, nezaket ve saygı kurallarını ön planda tutarak, herkesin rahat ve güvenli hissettiği bir ortam yaratmayı hedefliyoruz. Kullanım kurallarına uymayan üyeleri platformdan uzaklaştırarak güven ortamını sürekli olarak tutmayı amaçlıyoruz.

Kolay ve Etkileşimli Kullanıcı Deneyimi Kullanıcı Dostu Arayüz

Muzz’un kullanıcı dostu arayüzü, aradığınız kişiyi bulmanın zorluğunu ortadan kaldırır. Üye olmak, profil oluşturma sürecimiz, kişisel özelliklerinizi ve evlilik hedeflerinizi anlamamıza yardımcı olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.

Çeşitli İletişim Araçları

Muzz olarak, ilgi çekici etkileşimlerin önünü açmak için çeşitli iletişim araçları sunuyoruz. Mesajlaşma, sesli ve görüntülü arama özellikleri sayesinde, potansiyel eşinizle derinlemesine bir bağ kurabilirsiniz. Bu özellikler, birbirinizi daha iyi tanımanıza ve önden karşılıklı güven inşa etmenize olanak tanır.

Muzz ile Mutlu Bir Evlilik Yolculuğuna Çıkın

Muzz, sizin gibi evliliği ciddiye alan ve dini değerlerine bağlı Müslüman bireyler için tasarlanmıştır. Biz, aşkın sadece bir duygu değil, aynı zamanda paylaşılan inançlar, gelenekler ve hedefler üzerine bina edilen bir yolculuk olduğuna inanıyoruz. İlişki arayan üyeler, Muzz ile bu yolculuğa çıkmaya hazır olan binlerce üye arasından hayatınızın aşkını bulabilirsiniz.

Evlilik Sitelerinde Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar

Muzz, evlilik siteleri arasında öne çıkan yenilikçi yaklaşımları ile bilinir. Biz, sürekli olarak uygulamamızı ve platformumuzu geliştiriyoruz, üyelerimizin geri bildirimlerini dikkate alarak onlara en iyi hizmeti sunmak amacıyla teknolojimizi ve özelliklerimizi sürekli olarak yeniliyoruz.

Uzun Süreli Bağlar Kurma

Muzz, sadece geçici ilişkiler değil, uzun süreli ve mutlu evlilikler kurmanız için ideal bir ortam sağlar. Üyelerimiz arasında gerçek bağlar kurulmasına yardımcı olan etkinlikler ve topluluk içi etkileşimler düzenliyoruz.

Hayalinizdeki Müslüman eşi bulmanın zamanı geldi. Muzz, size sadece bir tık uzaklıkta olan, güvenilir ve saygılı bir evlilik sitesidir. Binlerce mutlu çifti bir araya getiren platformumuzda siz de yerinizi alın, kendiniz için en uygun eş adayıyla tanışma fırsatını yakalayın. Muzz ile başlayan tanışma yolculuğunuz, ömür boyu sürecek mutlu bir evliliğe dönüşebilir. Bugün üye olun ve aşkın bu kutsal yolculuğunda bize katılın, hayalinizdeki müslüman eşi bulma şansını elde edin!

Guide complet pour choisir un site de rencontre sérieux

Plus les années passent, plus la technologie continue de progresser, aujourd’hui les réseaux sociaux ainsi que les plateformes de rencontres en ligne occupent une place prépondérante dans la vie de la majorité des Français. Que ce soit dans la recherche de l’amour, du mariage ou juste du social. 

Malheureusement, ce n’est pas une chose facile de trouver un site de rencontre sérieux et fiable. Il existe tellement de sites de rencontre que ça peut vite devenir une tâche compliquée. C’est pourquoi grâce à cet article nous aimerions vous accompagner sur la façon de choisir un site de rencontre sérieux, qui vous conviendra le mieux ! 

Table des matières

Pourquoi choisir un site de rencontre sérieux ? 

Comment choisir le meilleur site de rencontre sérieux ? 

Conseils pour faire des rencontres en ligne 

Pourquoi choisir un site de rencontre sérieux ? 

Il est important de choisir un site de rencontre sérieux. Premièrement, les chances de trouver l’amour seront plus importantes, de plus vous vous sentirez plus en sécurité, la qualité des profils sur ces sites est déterminante. Deuxièmement, les différentes plateformes mettent un point d’honneur sur la protection et la confidentialité de vos informations personnelles.

Elles fournissent aussi des fonctionnalités avancées et effectuent des tests de personnalité pour mieux identifier les correspondances pour vous afin de trouver des partenaires qui seront le plus compatibles avec vous. 

Les différents avantages d’un site de rencontre sérieux 

1. Inscription gratuite : Les avantages principaux d’un site de rencontre sérieux incluent l’inscription gratuite, ce qui est un plus soyons honnête. La plupart des plateformes populaires proposent cette fonctionnalité gratuitement, ce qui constitue un avantage évident : elles vous permettent de profiter de certains de leurs services sans aucune obligation monétaire initiale.

Cela vous donne la possibilité d’évaluer la plateforme sans contrainte financière et de déterminer si elle correspond à vos attentes. Sinon, vous pouvez simplement supprimer votre compte sans être engagé. 

2. Tests de personnalité et options : Un bon site de rencontre sérieux utilise un test de personnalité afin de vous aider à découvrir des correspondances plus précises grâce à l’algorithme. Ces tests de personnalité sont généralement fondés sur des recherches psychologiques qui évaluent différentes facettes de votre personnalité, ainsi que vos préférences relationnelles, afin d’identifier les personnes qui pourraient être des potentiels partenaires compatibles pour vous. 

3. Fonctionnalités avancées : des fonctionnalités telles que des filtres de recherche, diverses options de communication et des outils de sécurité tels que la vérification de profil sont souvent disponibles (vous pouvez retrouvez des filtres sur l’âge, la localisation, la taille, et bien plus encore en fonction du site de rencontre que vous utilisez).

Des options telles que la messagerie instantanée, les appels vidéo et les suggestions de profils basés sur ces différents algorithmes améliorent l’expérience des utilisateurs et favorisent des interactions plus significatives et intéressantes. 

Comment choisir le meilleur site de rencontre sérieux ?  Réputation et avis des utilisateurs 

Avant de vous inscrire, il est crucial de vérifier la réputation du site. Lisez les avis et les évaluations des utilisateurs pour découvrir à quel point le site est fiable et efficace. Les forums, les blogs, et les comparateurs de sites de rencontres sont de bonnes sources de retours honnêtes et détaillés, mais vous pouvez également vous rendre directement sur l’App Store ou le Playstore pour lire les différents avis laissés par les différents utilisateurs, cela vous donnera un avis assez réelle de ce qui vous attends; 

Sécurité et protection des données 

Assurez-vous que le site ou l’application protège vos données personnelles et prenez des mesures pour empêcher les faux profils. Un bon site de rencontre doit avoir une politique claire de protection des données et des options pour signaler les abus.

Vérifiez si le site de rencontre utilise une technologie de cryptage pour protéger vos informations et propose des options pour contrôler qui peut consulter votre profil et vos informations personnelles/photos. Il est également important de pouvoir signaler les profils problématiques (faux profils, profils pouvant présenter un danger pour autrui, etc.). 

Public cible 

Il est important de choisir un bon site de rencontre sérieux. En fonction de votre âge, de vos attentes, etc. Prenons un exemple, si vous avez plus de 50 ans, vous pouvez vous tourner vers un site de rencontres pour seniors. De même qui si vous êtes, par exemple Musulmans, choisissez un site de rencontre destiné à la communauté, cela facilitera les rencontres interculturelles destinées au mariage. Il existe des sites dédiés à presque tout. Vous trouverez sûrement votre bonheur sur un de ces sites/applications ! 

Trouvez celui avec Muzz. Téléchargez l’application aujourd’hui.

Fonctions fournies 

Découvrez les fonctionnalités offertes par ce site. Des outils tels que la messagerie instantanée, les appels vidéo et les filtres de recherche détaillés vous font gagner du temps et améliorent votre expérience de rencontre. Des fonctionnalités telles que des événements en ligne ou en physique, des ateliers de développement personnel et des blogs relationnels peuvent également enrichir votre expérience et vous aider à mieux comprendre vos besoins et ceux des partenaires potentiels. Il s’agit de vous mettre sur la même longueur d’onde. 

Essai gratuit et abonnement 

Bénéficiez de l’inscription gratuite afin de tester le site de rencontre. Cela permettra de vous familiariser avec les différents services proposés avant de souscrire à un abonnement payant. Prenez le temps pour analyser les différentes propositions d’abonnement afin de choisir celle qui répondra le mieux à vos besoins et à votre budget.  

Certaines plateformes offrent assez régulièrement des promotions ou des périodes d’essai à prix réduit, ce qui peut-être une bonne opportunité pour tester les différents services proposés ! 

Conseils pour faire des rencontres en ligne  Complétez votre profil 

Un profil bien détaillé avec des photos authentiques, une bio et des centres d’intérêts augmente vos chances de trouver une bonne correspondance et peut-être votre âme sœur. Décrivez vos intérêts, vos valeurs, vos hobbies et ce que vous recherchez dans une relation.

Soyez précis et honnête dans vos descriptions pour attirer des personnes qui partagent vos passions et vos objectifs. Les profils complets ont plus de chance d’attirer l’œil que ceux qui n’en n’ont pas ! De même que les photos, ajoutez des photos qui vous mettent en valeur et de préférence de bonne qualité ! 

Soyez honnête 

La transparence sur vos intentions et vos attentes est essentielle, c’est même primordiale. Soyez honnête sur votre situation et ce que vous recherchez chez un partenaire. Cela permet d’établir une base de confiance dès le départ et d’éviter les malentendus et les déceptions futures. Et surtout ne faites pas perdre de temps à la personne en face de vous. 

Prenez des précautions 

Il est toujours préférable d’être vigilant surtout en 2024, ne donnez jamais d’ informations personnelles trop rapidement, si vous devez rencontrez une personne, privilégiez un lieu public, et de préférence en journée, comme un café par exemple. N’oubliez pas de prévenir une amie, ou de la famille. Si vous trouvez un profil suspect, n’hésitez pas, bloquez-le et informez directement le site ou l’application. 

Communiquez efficacement 

La communication est très importante, n’hésitez pas à poser des questions dès le début pour mieux connaître la personne, soyez honnête sur vos intentions c’est une chose primordiale. Prenez le temps d’apprendre la personne et de voir si vous partagez les mêmes valeurs, intérêts et objectifs. Le but n’est pas de parler pour parler. Montrez à la personne en face de vous que vous êtes ouvert à la conversation et que vous êtes intéressés.

Évitez les faux profils 

Attention !! Malheureusement en 2024 les applications et les différents sites de rencontre font face à de nombreux faux profils. N’oubliez pas si vous voyez un profil qui vous semble suspect n’hésitez pas à le reporter directement au site ou à l’application en question.

Comment repérer un faux profil ? C’est simple ! En général ils ont des photos un peu trop parfaites, ils donnent rarement leurs vrais prénoms ou leurs localisation, et parfois ils sont capables de vous demander des informations bancaires (surtout ne divulguez jamais les vôtres). Donc restez vigilent, surtout au début ! 


Trouver le grand amour en ligne peut-être une chose et une expérience compliquée surtout en 2024, mais si vous choisissez le bon site de rencontre sérieux ce sera sans doute une tâche plus facile. Nous espérons que grâce à nos conseils vous trouverez le site de rencontre qui vous convient le mieux.

N’oubliez pas la clé c’est la patience, prenez le temps de naviguer à travers les différentes étapes pour répondre à vos besoins. Il est aussi primordial que vous restiez en sécurité donc n’hésitez pas à demander autour de vous des conseils et prenez le temps de lire les différents avis en ligne.

Güvenilir Evlilik Sitesi ile Hayalinizdeki Müslüman Eşi Bulun

Aşk ve evlilik, her kültürde farklı şekillerde yaşanır ve her topluluk, bu güzel duyguyu benzersiz geleneklerle kutlar. Türkiye gibi Müslüman toplumlarda evlilik, sadece iki insan arasında değil, aynı zamanda iki aile arasında kutsal bir birleşme olarak görülmektedir.

Muzz, bu özel yolculuğu anlayan ve destekleyen bir evlilik sitesi ve uygulaması olarak, size hayatınızın aşkını bulma konusunda en güvenilir yardımcınız olmayı hedefliyor.


Muzz Neden Güvenilir Bir Evlilik Sitesi?

Muzz: Güvenli ve Saygılı Evlilik Sitesi Ortamı

Kolay ve Etkileşimli Kullanıcı Deneyimi

Muzz ile Mutlu Bir Evlilik Yolculuğuna Çıkın

Muzz Neden Güvenilir Bir Evlilik Sitesi? Geliştirilmiş ve Özelleştirilmiş Eşleştirme Sistemi

Muzz, dini değerlerinize ve kişisel tercihlerinize saygı gösteren özelleştirilmiş bir eşleştirme sistemi sunar. Evlilik sitelerinde aradığınız kişinin bu gelişmiş özellik sayesinde, yaşam tarzınıza, dini pratiklerinize, gelecek eşinizin eğitim ve sosyal niteliklerine ek olarak evlilik önceliklerinize göre de özenle seçilmiş kişileri sitemize üye olarak tanıma fırsatı bulursunuz.

Derinlemesine Profil Analizi

Üye olurken, profiliniz sizi en iyi şekilde temsil eden ve potansiyel eş adaylarınıza gerçek bir bakış açısı sunan detaylı bilgiler içerir. Biz, hobilerinizden, eğitim düzeyinize, iş yaşamınızdan dini uygulamalarınıza kadar geniş bir yelpazede bilgi toplayarak, üye olan diğer bireylerle sizin gibi düşünen insanları buluşturmayı amaçlıyoruz. Diğer evlilik siteleri ve uygulamalarından ayrı olarak da sunmuş olduğumuz detaylı profil bilgilendirme özellikleri sayesinde, tam olarak istediğiniz kişiyi bulmanızda kolaylık sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.

Muzz: Güvenli ve Saygılı Evlilik Sitesi Ortamı Gelişmiş Güvenlik Önlemleri

Muzz, kullanıcılarının mahremiyetine ve güvenliğine büyük önem verir. Güvenli bir şekilde üye olmak isteyen her yeni kullanıcı, uygulamamızın güvenlik önlemleri ve kuralları çerçevesinde detaylı bir onay sürecinden geçer. Bu güvenlik önemlerine ek olarak gelişmiş yüz tanıma teknolojimiz sayesinde, siz üyelerimize tamamen gerçek insanlardan oluşan bir deneyim sunma şansına sahip oluyoruz. Sunmuş olduğumuz yüz bulanıklaştırma hizmetimiz sayesinde de kendi suratını eşleşme ve konuşma aşamasına gelmeden önce paylaşmak istemeyen kadın kullanıcılarımıza ek güvenlik sağlamış oluyoruz.

Saygılı İletişim

Platformumuzda saygı, her etkileşimin temel taşıdır. Üyeler siteye üye olurken ve iletişim bilgilerini paylaşırken, nezaket ve saygı kurallarını ön planda tutarak, herkesin rahat ve güvenli hissettiği bir ortam yaratmayı hedefliyoruz. Kullanım kurallarına uymayan üyeleri platformdan uzaklaştırarak güven ortamını sürekli olarak tutmayı amaçlıyoruz.

Kolay ve Etkileşimli Kullanıcı Deneyimi Kullanıcı Dostu Arayüz

Muzz’un kullanıcı dostu arayüzü, aradığınız kişiyi bulmanın zorluğunu ortadan kaldırır. Üye olmak, profil oluşturma sürecimiz, kişisel özelliklerinizi ve evlilik hedeflerinizi anlamamıza yardımcı olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.

Çeşitli İletişim Araçları

Muzz olarak, ilgi çekici etkileşimlerin önünü açmak için çeşitli iletişim araçları sunuyoruz. Mesajlaşma, sesli ve görüntülü arama özellikleri sayesinde, potansiyel eşinizle derinlemesine bir bağ kurabilirsiniz. Bu özellikler, birbirinizi daha iyi tanımanıza ve önden karşılıklı güven inşa etmenize olanak tanır.

Muzz ile Mutlu Bir Evlilik Yolculuğuna Çıkın

Muzz, sizin gibi evliliği ciddiye alan ve dini değerlerine bağlı Müslüman bireyler için tasarlanmıştır. Biz, aşkın sadece bir duygu değil, aynı zamanda paylaşılan inançlar, gelenekler ve hedefler üzerine bina edilen bir yolculuk olduğuna inanıyoruz. İlişki arayan üyeler, Muzz ile bu yolculuğa çıkmaya hazır olan binlerce üye arasından hayatınızın aşkını bulabilirsiniz.

Evlilik Sitelerinde Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar

Muzz, evlilik siteleri arasında öne çıkan yenilikçi yaklaşımları ile bilinir. Biz, sürekli olarak uygulamamızı ve platformumuzu geliştiriyoruz, üyelerimizin geri bildirimlerini dikkate alarak onlara en iyi hizmeti sunmak amacıyla teknolojimizi ve özelliklerimizi sürekli olarak yeniliyoruz.

Uzun Süreli Bağlar Kurma

Muzz, sadece geçici ilişkiler değil, uzun süreli ve mutlu evlilikler kurmanız için ideal bir ortam sağlar. Üyelerimiz arasında gerçek bağlar kurulmasına yardımcı olan etkinlikler ve topluluk içi etkileşimler düzenliyoruz.

Hayalinizdeki Müslüman eşi bulmanın zamanı geldi. Muzz, size sadece bir tık uzaklıkta olan, güvenilir ve saygılı bir evlilik sitesidir. Binlerce mutlu çifti bir araya getiren platformumuzda siz de yerinizi alın, kendiniz için en uygun eş adayıyla tanışma fırsatını yakalayın. Muzz ile başlayan tanışma yolculuğunuz, ömür boyu sürecek mutlu bir evliliğe dönüşebilir. Bugün üye olun ve aşkın bu kutsal yolculuğunda bize katılın, hayalinizdeki müslüman eşi bulma şansını elde edin!

Kann eine Dating App für Muslime Heiraten ermöglichen?

Ein Viertel aller Deutschen lernen ihren Partner oder ihren Partner in der Online-Welt kennen. Es ist mittlerweile kein Geheimnis mehr, dass ein großer Teil der Beziehungen durch soziale Medien und Dating Apps zu Stande kommt. Es gibt eine Vielzahl der beliebtesten Dating Apps, die auf der ganzen Welt Verwendung finden, jedoch gibt es kaum Dating Apps, die sich darauf spezialisiert haben, Muslime bei der Partnersuche zu helfen.

Denn für Muslime gelten gewisse Regeln und Werte, die mit dem “modernen Dating” nicht vereinbar sind. Somit muss eine Dating App für Muslime auch gewisse Kriterien erfüllen, um mit den Werten der Nutzer und Nutzerinnen zu übereinstimmen.


Was ist Muzz?

Was unterscheidet Muzz von dem Rest?

Frauen, die den ersten Schritt machen?

Langfristige Beziehungen auf Dating Apps möglich?



Was ist Muzz?

Muzz ist eine Dating App für Muslime, die 2015 auf den Markt gekommen ist. Ihr Gründer Shahzad Younas stammt aus einer pakistanischen Familie und war sich der Herausforderungen bewusst, die Muslime bei der Findung eines Lebensgefährten begegneten. Bereits vor 2015 veröffentlichte Shahzad eine Webseite für Muslime, auf der sie sich kennenlernen konnten, um potenzielle Partner für die Ehe zu finden.

Seit den Anfängen von Muzz ist eines immer klar gewesen: Muslime daten nicht, sie heiraten. Das war von Beginn an das Motto von Muzz. Das Ziel dieser Dating App für Muslime war es nie, die Nutzer so lange wie möglich auf der App zu behalten. Das Ziel von Muzz war schon immer, den Nutzern die passendsten Kandidaten vorzuschlagen, damit Sie diese heiraten können! 

Ein kurzer Blick auf die Statistiken von Muzz bestätigt, dass dieses Ziel bisher sehr gut realisiert worden ist. Muzz hat zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt über 10 Millionen Mitglieder und hat bereits 500.000 Erfolgsgeschichten (Heiraten) ermöglicht. Trotz der stets hohen Anzahl an Menschen, die über Muzz Ihren Partner finden und Ihre Mitgliedschaft beenden, steigt die Anzahl der Nutzer konstant.

Muzz ist die größte und zugleich die erfolgreichste Dating App für Muslime weltweit. Nutzer benutzen diese beliebteste Dating App in Indonesien, Frankreich, Marokko, Saudi Arabien, Deutschland und vielen weiteren Ländern. Leute kennenlernen und das Finden von Kandidaten, die sich zur Ehe eignen, ist mit Muzz leichter denn je. 

Was unterscheidet Muzz von dem Rest?

Leute kennenzulernen mit Muzz bietet zahlreiche Vorteile, wobei einer der grundlegendsten Punkte die komplett kostenlos nutzbaren Funktionen sind. Auf Muzz ist es möglich, deinen zukünftigen Lebensgefährten zu finden, ohne hierfür Geld auszugeben. Muzz ist eine kostenlose Dating App, auf der du Leute liken und mit Leuten chatten kannst, ohne deine Telefonnummer preiszugeben. Sogar das Telefonieren und das Videogespräch sind Funktionen, die dir kostenlos zur Verfügung stehen.

Es gibt jedoch die Möglichkeit für die Leute, die den Prozess der Partnerfindung schneller gestalten möchten, auf Muzz Gold zu wechseln. Muzz Gold ist eine kostenpflichtige Mitgliedschaft, die dir beispielsweise ermöglicht, ohne jegliches Limit andere Profile zu liken und auf dich aufmerksam zu machen. Somit stimmt es zwar, dass Muzz eine kostenlose Dating App ist, jedoch gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, durch die kostenpflichtige Version erweiterte Funktionen zu erhalten, 

Frauen, die den ersten Schritt machen?

Jeder kennt gängige Problematik beim Kennenlernen von Leuten: Die Frau erwartet von dem Mann den ersten Schritt. Der Mann versteht aber nicht, dass die Frau diese Erwartung hat und somit kommt es zu keinerlei Kontakt zwischen diesen beiden. Bis heute gilt, dass ein Großteil der Frauen den ersten Schritt von Mann erwartet.

Der große Vorteil von Dating Apps wie Muzz ist, dass hier auch Frauen den ersten Schritt machen können! Wenn dir jemand gefällt, und du Interesse daran hast, diese Person näher kennenzulernen, musst du sie nur liken. Nachdem du eine Person likest bzw. auf das Herz in der App klickst, wird sie benachrichtigt. Wenn diese Person dich zurückliked, könnt Ihr nun chatten. Im echten Leben ist es sehr schwer für Frauen den ersten Schritt zu machen.

Durch diese Funktion wird es möglich, dass Frauen den ersten Schritt machen. Der Vorteil hierbei ist nicht nur, dass die Männer es nun leichter haben. Denn auch für Frauen ist das ein großer Vorteil, da sie nun die Partner aktiv auswählen können, die sie interessieren. Sie müssen nicht mehr darauf warten, zufällig von den richtigen Männern angesprochen zu werden. Das macht das Leute Kennenlernen für beide Geschlechter einfacher. 

Langfristige Beziehungen auf Dating Apps möglich?

Es herrscht die gängige Meinung, dass auf Dating Apps, sogar auf den besten Dating Apps, nur kurze Beziehungen oder Dates entstehen, jedoch keine langfristigen Beziehungen. Jedoch suchen die Hälfte aller Nutzer von Dating Apps nach ernsthaften und langfristigen Beziehungen. Um genau dieses Stigma zu ändern, wurde Muzz 2015 überhaupt ins Leben gerufen. Das Ziel dieser Dating App war es nicht, Leute zum Daten zu bringen. Das Ziel von Muzz war es schon immer, dass sich Leute kennenlernen und dann heiraten.

Um festzustellen, ob langfristige Beziehungen über Dating Apps ermöglicht werden können, können wir einen erneuten Blick auf die Statistiken von Muzz werfen: Bisher gab es 500.000 Erfolgsgeschichten, die durch Muzz ermöglicht wurden. Somit haben bereits eine Millionen Menschen sich auf Muzz gefunden und geheiratet! Somit kann festgehalten werden, dass zumindest für die Dating App Muzz feststeht, dass Leute nicht nur langfristige Beziehungen finden, sondern mit ihren Lebensgefährten heiraten. 


Privatsphäre ist ein sehr großer Punkt, der vielen Nutzern von Dating Apps Sorgen bereitet. “Was wenn meine Freunde und Verwandten mein Profil entdecken?” Diese Sorge hält manche Leute davon ab, sich ein Profil zu erstellen. 

Auf Muzz ist es jedoch so, dass du einstellen kannst, wer dich sehen kann und wer nicht. Du kannst Profile, die dich nicht sehen sollen, mit wenigen Klicks blockieren. Zusätzlich gibt es die Funktion, dass nicht jeder deine Fotos sehen kann. Du kannst dich dazu entscheiden, dass du den Leuten, die für dich in Frage kommen, erlauben kannst, deine Fotos zu sehen. Aber bevor du es jemandem nicht erlaubst, können Sie deine Fotos nicht sehen. Falls du jedoch bevorzugst, dass jeder von Beginn an deine Fotos sehen kann, kannst du auch dies einstellen. 

Zudem sei erwähnt, das Muzz deine Daten nicht an Dritte weitergibt. Weder deine Fotos, noch Informationen über dich werden an Dritte übermittelt. Deine Privatsphäre und deine persönlichen Daten sind auf Muzz geschützt. 


Abschließend sei festgehalten, dass Dating Apps nicht nur die Zukunft, sondern auch die Gegenwart sind. Bereits ein Viertel der Deutschen lernen Ihren Partner oder Ihre Partnerin online kennen. Wenn man sich jedoch für eine Dating App entscheidet, muss diese selbstverständlich im Einklang mit den eigenen Werten stehen. Auf Muzz legen wir Wert darauf, der muslimischen Community einen einfacheren Weg zu ermöglichen, um heiraten zu können. Bisher haben wir das mit 10 Millionen Mitgliedern und 500.000 ermöglichten Erfolgen realisiert. 

Falls du selbst sehen willst, wie Muzz funktioniert oder ob es etwas für dich ist, lade die App ganz einfach und kostenlos im Appstore oder Playstore herunter.

Und wenn du jetzt schon oder nach dem Nutzen der App Fragen haben solltest, schau gerne in unserem Blog vorbei oder kontaktiere unseren Kundensupport hier.


A Shade Less – Not Fair and Lovely

I remember when my second daughter was born with darker skin color than the rest of the family and I was made to feel as a mother that she was somehow less than my other daughter, less lucky, less beautiful, less.

As if she didn’t deserve to wear certain colors, and I shouldn’t rejoice in her adorableness, just because Allah had chosen for her skin color to be a shade between chocolate and caramel, instead of vanilla.

I am not ashamed of loving her a wee bit extra, she reminds me of myself. Earthy.

I have always emphasized inner beauty, and never thought I would have to teach a daughter of mine the ‘value’ of outer beauty but I have to with her. I have to remind her that dark skin is beautiful, just as lovely to behold as light skin. This is how Allah the Mussawir chose to color her.

I don’t want her to ever feel like she has to hold back and not follow her dreams because she is made to feel less.

She is a beautiful little girl, effervescent, funny and filled with love, with a propinquity towards the dramatic. Its only on days that she is made to feel less that she visibly withers. On days when a new family will meet us and say in front of her “My! Your other three look alike and she is so …. different”.

After I posted this on my Facebook page, I received many messages of people sharing their own stories, but the most depressing one was from a young sister who was told repeatedly by her own mother that she would never get married because of the color of her skin. Having to be consistently rejected by potential suitors, because ‘rang kam hai’ (trans: her color is less). That term doesn’t even make sense to me shouldn’t it be your color is more, but I digress.

I have a friend who is a make up artist. She recently had a client with dark skin walk out on her without paying because she didn’t make her light enough for her wedding day. I felt sorry for the client- imagine being raised with such self loathing that you can’t bear your own skin color. That on the biggest day of your life, the day of your wedding, you want to be painted several shades lighter to feel worthy enough to be your husband’s bride.

The micro-aggressions pile up. “If she is dark, she is dark, it’s not like I am lying,” said a relative when I asked her not to harp on my daughter’s skin color.

“Micheal Jackson,” teased a cousin as she tans easily in the summer and loses it in the winter. My issue wasn’t with her being called dark, but with the comparisons, the anti-Black innuendos, and the constant reminders of her skin color so much so that I would see her comparing her arms with her brothers, with her sister.  It became a topic in my house, in my house.

The negative effects of skin color bias were leading to self-hate.

Home remedies were suggested the day she was born. You would think that we live in the West where the typical social advantages of light skin would be a non issue but no, it is just as much a problem here.  I have had young women I know giving up on marrying anyone from their own ethnicity and have turned to non-South Asian men who appreciate their skin color. A stunning sister I know, sick of being rejected, is dating a person of another faith who thinks she is God’s gift to him.

The colorism has become a part of the language. In Urdu and Hindi, the words for light skin are saaf rang meaning clean/pure whereas dark skin to referred to as maylawhich translates into dirty. Light skin is so valued that it is the first ‘quality’ sought in a woman. Who set this standard?

Remnants of the Raj…

“Kali ho jao gi” You will turn black, like it is a something bad, is something every South Asian women hears. I am sure there are other communities who deal with the exact same issue. Don’t go out in the sun, you will get dark.

I just attended a mental health forum where the counselor said that not enough sun exposure can cause depression. She urged everyone to sit outside for a good twenty minutes every day, especially if you have dark skin.

Imagine that.

My daughter and I, we often read the Shamail Muhammadiyah together.

Regarding the Prophet Muhammad , Al-Tirmidhi, in his Jami’ al-Sahih (VI:69 no. 1754), reports on the authority of  Anas b. Malik :

The Messenger of Allah was of medium stature, neither tall nor short, [with] a beautiful, brown-complexioned body (hasan al-jism asmar al-lawn). His hair was neither curly nor completely straight and when he walked he leant forward.

There are many other narrations of RasulAllah’s  being abyad[1]. There is also much discussion on the meaning of asmar and abyad in Arabic [2] and on the color of the Prophet’s  blessed skin, but all I know is that reading this puts a smile on her face.

Humayd said, he heard Anas saying: “And he was white (abyad), his whiteness leaning to be tan (bayaduhu ilas-sumrah).” (Dala’il al-Nubuwah 1/204)

2.Imam Shāms al-Dīn Abū `Abd Allāh al-Dhahabī (d. 1348), in his Siyar a’lām al-nubalā’

إِنَّ العَرَبَ إِذَا قَالَتْ: فُلاَنٌ أَبْيَضُ، فَإِنَّهُمْ يُرِيْدُوْنَ الحِنْطِيَّ اللَّوْنِ بِحِلْيَةٍ سَوْدَاءَ، فَإِنْ كَانَ فِي لَوْنِ أَهْلِ الهِنْدِ، قَالُوا: أَسْمَرُ، وَآدَمُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ فِي سَوَادِ التِّكْرُوْرِ، قَالُوا: أَسْوَدُ وَكَذَا كُلُّ مَنْ غَلَبَ عَلَيْهِ السَّوَادُ، قَالُوا: أَسْوَدُ أَوْ شَدِيْدُ الأُدْمَةِ

“When Arabs say; So and so is ‘abyad’, they mean a wheatish complexion with slight darkness (hintiy al-lawn bi-hilyatin sawda). And if it is the complexion the People of India they say, ‘asmar’ and ‘adam’. And if it is of Toucouleur Negroes (sawad al-Takrur) they say ‘aswad’ and likewise everyone whose complexion is overwhelmingly black; they call, ‘aswad’ or ‘shadid-ul-udmah’.” (Siyar ‘Alam al-Nubula 1/39 & 3/448, Darul Hadith, Cairo 2006)

Source article:

Infidelity and Misplaced Blame in the Muslim Community

Infidelity is a major topic that too often, like many other embarrassing elements of our community, gets brushed under the rug. Imams routinely have to deal with couples where one spouse is being unfaithful. I don’t believe that it’s a greater epidemic in the Muslim community than society at large, but it is probably almost just as bad.

It is estimated that roughly 30% to 60% of all married individuals (in the United States) will engage in infidelity at some point during their marriage (Buss & Shackelford 1997). Just like with any community, there are unique complications and considerations when dealing with an issue of this nature. In our community, we have the following :

A. As a defense mechanism, the cheating spouse will often talk his/her spouse down and belittle them in order to deflect from their own major sin while also gaining sympathy from the onlookers.

Under the influence of cultures that place unfair expectations and blame on the wife, many women are likely to be blamed for not keeping their husbands happy, even at times by their own families. This approach, of course, is completely devoid of any Islamic precedent or Prophetic tradition. The Prophet (saw) never chastised the spouse of an adulterer for not doing enough to stop them from cheating.

According to John and Julie Gottman’s 40 years of marital research, there is one common denominator that tends to begin the cascade toward betrayal in a marriage: When one spouse attempts to connect with the other and the other spouse turns away from this while negatively comparing, this is the first step toward betrayal. A negative comparison sounds something like this, “Who needs this frustration? I could do so much better with someone else.” This type of belittling and justification, while imagining oneself as innocent, deteriorates trust and starts people on the downward spiral toward infidelity.

B. Often, men who are unfaithful will try to “right the wrong” by marrying the person they were unfaithful with, at times without even fulfilling the requirements of a marriage. This is where the all too common “secret” second wife comes into the picture.

Or many men ditch the first wife and make it seem like the woman they were cheating with just came into the picture. Alas, even the most practicing Muslims will forsake all principles and beliefs regarding Islamic marriage— holding weird Skype Nikahs — without the most basic conditions of a marriage contract being met. They will continue to beat up on the first spouse for “making them do it.”

The very idea of a secret marriage defeats the purpose. The Prophet (saw) taught us to publicize the marriage for so many different reasons. One of them is that the man with a secret second wife often may have seven or eight other “second wives.” In a very awkward scenario that I witnessed a few years ago, a brother in the community sought the help of an Imam to pursue a sister who was secretly married to that very same Imam.

In looking at the research, how many affairs become lasting relationships? Dr. Frank Pittman, an expert on treating affairs, found that the divorce rate of those who marry the person they were unfaithful with is 75%. What was the major reason for these divorces? A lack of trust. How can you trust someone who chose to be with you by cheating on someone they had previously committed to?

Can’t Cheat Allah

A piece of advice to the brothers and sisters who are cheating on their spouses: There is no justification for adultery, and victim shaming here won’t save you from being held accountable by Allah on the Day of Judgment. No human being will bear the burden of another on the Day of Judgment. Seeking validation from backward cultural elements or friends that are just as unfaithful as you won’t change the creed.

Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-‘Isrā’ 17:32

And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.

In an authentic Hadith, the Prophet of Allah

said: “The one who cheats is not one of us.” (Sahih Muslim).

Nothing that started with the deception of Shaytan will suddenly gain the blessing of Allah. If you were unfaithful, you need to sincerely seek forgiveness from your Creator and the people you’ve hurt with your infidelity. You need to fully accept blame for your sin, and start taking the necessary steps to try to fix things.

Heard It Through the Grapevine- Churning the Rumor Mill

A piece of advice to people who immerse themselves in rumors, there is nothing more sacred than a chaste person’s dignity or honor. Yes, there are many that are guilty of the crimes above. But to wrongly accuse one person is enough of a sin in the hereafter to doom you. I’m all for transparency and calling out these social ills, but I reject falsely projecting them on people without proper evidence.

Too Close for Comfort

A piece of advice to those who are starting to get too close and comfy with another person at work or school. The adultery of the private parts is the most severe manifestation of it, but you may already be committing adultery with your tongues, eyes, and hands. Even if you’re not physically cheating yet, you may already be emotionally cheating on your spouse. Don’t walk the footsteps of shaytan to a place of no return. Cut it off before it goes any further.

According to Dr. Shirley Glass, the dynamics of emotional infidelity result in sexual relationships in 80% of cases. Substituting emotional intimacy, friendship and empathy with someone else other than your spouse is not a “platonic” relationship; it is seeking one of the most essential aspects of a marriage outside of it.

Graced By A Cold Shoulder

And most importantly, a piece of advice to those who have been cheated on by their spouses and unjustly blamed for not doing a good enough job to stop your spouse from cheating. It is not your fault that he/she couldn’t save themselves from their lowly desires. Allah will not punish you in the hereafter, even if society unjustly does in this world. Even if you have made mistakes, no mistake justifies your spouse making THAT mistake. Don’t internalize society’s backwardness or your spouse’s devilish taunts.

Rise above it all.

By Sh Omar Suleiman

Source article:

Gender Relations in the Prophet’s Society

Many of us lament that we’re no longer like the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ; that their times were different, that their circumstances were different, and that we can never be like them. This concept is often invoked when we discuss gender relations with regards to Muslim youth and how ‘astray’ our youth have gone in comparison to that noble generation.

Yet, contrary to perhaps popular knowledge, the homeboys and the homegirls of the Prophet ﷺ also struggled with their desires. They too slipped and made mistakes.  And through their situations, the Prophet ﷺ took the time to coach, train and teach them, helping them transform into the great giants whom we recognize today.

Thus, let us take a look at some of the ways the Prophet ﷺ dealt with the issue of gender interaction in his community so that we can learn lessons applicable today.

Ibn Abbas radi allahu `anhu (may God be pleased with him) shares with us, “A beautiful woman, from among the most beautiful of women, used to pray behind the Prophet ﷺ. Some of the people used to go to pray in the first row to ensure they would not be able to see her. Others would pray in the last row of the men, and they would look from underneath their armpits to see her. Because of this act, in regard to her, Allah revealed,

“Verily We know the eager among you to be first, and verily We know the eager among you to be behind,” (Qur’an 15:24).

From this narration, we learn that the young men who lived in the very city and attended the very masjid of the Prophet of God ﷺ slipped and checked a girl out. And yet what did the Prophet ﷺ do about it?

Did he create a wall between the men and women’s sections? Nope. Did he prohibit women from going to the mosque, lest they tempt the men who attend? Never. In fact, he ﷺ did the exact opposite and commanded that women not be stopped from going to the House of God.2

What he did do was allow men and women to continue to be a part of the same society, working together as a community, existing cohesively. At the same time, he ﷺ helped train his community to keep their desires in check.

The below are a few incidents in which we learn how he did so:

1- Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra): “Al-Fadl bin Abbas rode behind God’s Messenger ﷺ as his companion rider on the back portion of his she-camel on the day of Nahr (slaughtering of sacrifice, 10th Dhul-Hijja) and Al-Fadl was a handsome man. The Prophet ﷺ stopped to give the people verdicts (regarding their matters). In the meantime, a beautiful woman from the tribe of Khatham came, asking the verdict of God’s Messenger. Al-Fadl started looking at her as her beauty attracted him. The Prophet ﷺ looked behind while Al-Fadl was looking at her; so the Prophet ﷺ held out his hand backwards and caught the chin of Al-Fadl and turned his face (to the other side) in order that he should not gaze at her….”3

Look at how the Prophet ﷺ trains Al-Fadl to be a responsible young man. He does not slam him for not keeping his desires in check. And even more importantly, he does not utter words that would make Al-Fadl believe that the source of the problem was the existence of the woman and that Al-Fadl had no responsibility in checking her out. On the contrary, he gently turns Al-Fadl’s face away, teaching him that he is the one who needs to be responsible for his actions.

And let’s look at the Prophet ﷺ teaches the rest of this ummah (community) how to interact with women.

The Prophet ﷺ does not curse the woman for being “a fitna (trial).” He does not accuse the woman of enticing Al-Fadl. He does not shun her. Instead, he facilitated for her to be able to ask a question without being checked out.

We also don’t notice her being reprimanded by the Prophet to cover her face while nearing the Prophet ﷺ or other men who are not related to her. We do not hear this narration stating that she was advised to speak behind a curtain in the future lest her beauty become a temptation for men who could not control themselves.

In fact, it was quite the opposite. The Prophet ﷺ caught Al-Fadl staring and so he gently pushed Al-Fadl’s gaze away from the woman. The Prophet ﷺ taught Al-Fadl to control his own self. He put the onus of responsibility on Al-Fadl in this incident instead of scolding the woman who caught his gaze.

Al-Fadl did not protest the Prophet’s action of turning his face; Al-Fadl did not respond with, “But dear Prophet, she is the one who is a fitna (temptation)!” or, “Prophet of God! Command her to cover herself and hide so that she never makes another man’s eyes look at her again!”

In our own communities, women are often blamed for the downfall of men. Women blame other women for dressing inappropriately, wearing too much makeup, or acting flirtatiously with men. Men blame women for the same things! The blame always ends up being on women. We end up holding the brunt of the baggage of the gender relationship.

But what about what the Prophet ﷺ taught us? Yes, we have certain dress codes and guidelines of interactions to which men and women should both adhere, but it does not stop there. This woman was beautiful (may Allah be pleased with her) and yet the Prophet ﷺ didn’t condemn her beauty or stop her from speaking with him ﷺ and asking her question. So what about our communities today?! Let us move beyond placing the blame on women. Let us actually follow the Prophetic way in which each individual takes responsibility for his or her own actions without unnecessarily blaming others for simply existing.

2- In another example, another male companion went further than simply checking out a woman. He actually kissed her! The following narration gives us insight as to how God addressed his sorrowful admittance, seeking forgiveness and guidance from the Prophet ﷺ, “A man kissed a woman. So he came to the Messenger of God and informed him about it. Then God revealed this verse, ‘And perform the prayers, between the two ends of the day and in some hours of the night. Verily, the good deeds efface the evil deeds,’ (11:114). The man asked the Messenger of God ﷺ if the revelation of this verse applied only to his situation. The Messenger of God responded, ‘It applies to all my ummah.’”4

What can we take from this incident? This incident teaches us that the way that God, our Creator, our Loving Sustainer, taught us to deal with slipping into sin is through connecting back with Him immediately. He sent a verse to teach us all that if any one of us messes up, we should go back to Him and maintain our daily prayers. The daily prayers “prohibit immorality and wrongdoing,” 5 and having that connection will also be a means of our continual forgiveness.6

Now, this is not to suggest that those who are involved in inappropriate relationships should simply pray immediately after getting physical and then return to that action. This companion clearly came to the Prophet with regret and with resolve, seeking a solution when admitting his fault to the Prophet ﷺ . However, what we can take is that even the greatest of the great slip and succumb to natural human desire. But when we make the same mistake that one of them did, we should do what they did to seek change: We should regret it, immediately take to seeking God’s forgiveness, and make the resolve not to slip into it again. And if we do slip? Start the cycle of asking for forgiveness over.

3- But what about someone who wants to go all the way? How did the Prophet ﷺ help prevent a man who seriously wanted to do it? Once a young man came to the Prophet ﷺ requesting from the Prophet to grant this man permission to have sex outside of marriage. The people were shocked and were trying to silence his question. The Prophet ﷺ asked him a series of questions. “Would you like it for your mom?” He ﷺ continued to ask if this man would like it for his daughter, sister or other female relatives. The man continually responded in the negative, intellectually convinced by the logical argument of the Prophet ﷺ. Finally, the Prophet placed his blessed hand on the man and prayed to God, “Dear God! May you forgive his sins, purify his heart and make him chaste.” And it is narrated that this man never got involved in what he was requesting after this experience with the Prophet.7

This man was intellectually and spiritually blessed by the logic of, connection to, and prayer from the Prophet ﷺ. We need to learn to be like the Prophet ﷺ when it comes to dealing with issues of sex. I know of young Muslim women who are afraid of getting married simply because their parents have made sex such a taboo topic that they have an intense fear of having to deal with sexual intimacy in marriage. I have also known of young men and women who really wanted to get married, whose parents refused to let them marry really awesome people who came to ask for their hand simply because of their race, and who eventually could no longer handle it and had sex outside of marriage.

As parents, we need to consider the approach of the Prophet ﷺ when it comes to discussing sex and sexual desires. The Prophet ﷺ openly addressed this man’s concerns about sex in a public setting. He didn’t make this topic an untouchable taboo. How much more of a right do your own children have for you to have open conversations with them in the privacy of your own home? However, don’t make it all awkward for your kids. Develop an open relationship with them before they’re old enough to have these conversations so that you don’t come off really weird and make them uncomfortable. If open communication is a natural dynamic in your family, such conversations will also occur organically, God willing.

Furthermore, as community leaders, we need to have open dialog with our members about these issues. If the family structure of our congregants doesn’t provide the security and openness needed to understand sex and related issues, we should have strong relationships with our communities so that we can help be a resource and means of guidance.

3. Additionally, during the time of the Prophet ﷺ, just like today, even his married companions had sex outside of marriage. Committing adultery is a serious issue, especially as it involves emotionally hurting one’s family. But in the incidents described, the Prophet was not quick to punish. He turned a woman away who came to him—asking for him to punish her so that she would be purified—continuously and consistently. He gave her so many opportunities to never come back to him and never receive any type of physical consequence, to simply live in repentance. But she, like others, came back over and over again until he finally established the consequence.8

The point in mentioning this is simply that this existed during the time of the Prophet ﷺ with the world’s greatest generation. They slipped just as we do, yet they were man or woman enough to beg God for forgiveness and recognize they had made a mistake. And even with some members in his community making a mistake and going all the way outside of marriage, the Prophet ﷺ did not ban men and women from working together and interacting with one another. Instead, he taught the men and women in his community to work together, professionally and respectfully, but with the warmth of true brotherhood and sisterhood.

Most of the examples I have chosen with regards to gender-relation scenarios explicitly mentioned men as those who acted upon or wanted to act upon their desires, but the same applies to women! Ladies are often put under the bus when it comes to talking about women’s sexual needs and desires, minimizing the reality that many women do in fact have strong sexual urges and fight themselves not to act upon them. Men and women alike can take from the lessons we’ve discussed from the lives of those living in the society of the Prophet ﷺ and actualize the concepts of self-responsibility, continual connection with God and intellectual and spiritual strength to overcome desires or repent and turn to Him continuously when falling.

Many in our communities today suffer from a lack of understanding gender relations. Women are sometimes not even allowed into the masjid because of the fear that their presence could somehow cause craziness. Women are often blamed as the ultimate cause of men being led astray in regards to gender issues. In my personal experience, men are rarely reminded that they must uphold their end of the gender relations’ bargain as well, other than by ignoring women’s existence or ensuring that women are behind the mosque’ wall and far from being a fitna for men’s lives. And in my perspective, this lack of understanding of the Prophetic method in training his community—which is quite different from completely segregating his community—is also one of the reasons many in the West are dealing with a real marriage crisis. (These are all huge issues stuffed into one paragraph; I feel their mention is essential when discussing gender relations, but they will individually be addressed in future articles, God willing).

A few general suggestions on how to deal with gender issues in our communities:9

The companions, were not born as gender-relation ballers. They converted to Islam with baggage and carried it into their Muslim lives.

Through their efforts, they struggled to actualize a crown Qur’anic axiom describing gender interactions, and it is the very one we must continue to work towards despite our confusion, our cultural (mis)understandings and our struggles:

“The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey God and His Messenger. Those  – God will have mercy upon them. Indeed, God is Exalted in Might and Wise.”

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Fakta WAJIB TAHU tentang perkahwinan dalam Islam

Semua orang mengimpikan perkahwinan dan rumah tangga yang bahagia dalam hidup mereka. Ia juga menjadi impian untuk memiliki perkahwinan yang kekal hingga akhir hayat bersama orang yang kita sayang dan cinta. Begitu banyak kisah dalam Al-Quran, sirah Nabi dan cerita yang dikongsikan berkaitan hal percintaan dan perkahwinan yang indah dalam Islam untuk dijadikan teladan untuk kita yang bakal memasuki alam rumah tangga ataupun yang sedang menjalankan kehidupan berkahwin. 

Namun begitu, kita sebagai manusia tidak lari dari kesilapan berumah tangga dan kini dengan adanya media sosial dan teknologi, kisah rumah tangga yang runtuh seringkali muncul sebagai topik bualan netizen. Ia hangat dibincangkan dan membuat anak muda yang masih tidak berkahwin menjadi ragu-ragu untuk memasuki alam perkhawinan. 

Semoga perkongsian blog ini menjadi garis panduan buat pasangan mahupun individu yang masih single untuk melengkapkan diri dengan ilmu perkahwinan terutama sekali dari aspek hukum dan tanggungjawab seseorang dalam perkahwinan dalam Islam. 

Isi Kandungan

Maksud Perkahwinan dalam Islam

Hadis & ayat Quran tentang Perkahwinan

Rukun Islam 5 perkara, rukun nikah bagaimana? 

Tanggungjawab Suami dan Isteri mengikut Islam


Maksud Perkahwinan dalam Islam

Perkahwinan merupakan sebuah ikatan yang sah di antara seorang lelaki dan perempuan dan perkahwinan dalam Islam pula adalah ikatan yang sah mengikut hukum yang telah ditetapkan dalam Islam. Selain mengikuti hukum yang ditetapkan oleh Islam, perkahwinan yang sah juga perlu memenuhi syarat dan proses yang ditetapkan undang-undang oleh sebuah negara.

Perkahwinan dalam Islam kebiasaannya akan disesuaikan oleh sesuatu masyarakat agar adat resam “tidak lapuk dek zaman”. Perkahwinan di kalangan masyarakat Melayu yang masih mengikut adat namun tetap mengikuti hukum yang ditetapkan dalam Islam merupakan salah satu contoh yang boleh diambil. Ia mempunyai proses seperti merisik, meminang, bertunang dan berkahwin yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak pengantin serta keluarga mereka. 

Menurut hukum Islam, perkahwinan tidak akan sah tanpa “Ijab dan Qabul” iaitu akad nikah yang dilafazkan oleh pengantin lelaki dengan Wali pengantin perempuan. Akad nikah merupakan sebuah kontrak atau perjanjian di antara sebuah pasangan untuk menjadi suami isteri yang disaksikan oleh dua orang saksi lelaki.

Hadis & ayat Quran tentang Perkahwinan

Allah سبحانه وتعالىberfirman:

وَمِن كُلِّ شَىْءٍ خَلَقْنَا زَوْجَيْنِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ ﴿٤٩﴾

“Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan supaya kamu mengingati (kekuasaan Kami dan mentauhidkan Kami) akan kebesaran Allah.” (Surah Adz-Dzariyaat 51; Ayat 49)

Dari ayat ini, sudah dijelaskan bahawa Allah telah mencipta manusia dengan fitrah yang inginkan pasangan dan ingin berpasangan untuk berkongsi kasih dan mencintai sesama sendiri. Pasangan yang disebutkan adalah pasangan yang saling mengingati sesama sendiri tentang suruhan dan kewajipan agama serta menunaikan ajaran Islam. 

Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda:

يا معشر الشباب من استطاع منكم الباءة فليتزوج فإنه أغض للبصر وأحصن للفرج ومن لم يستطع فعليه بالصوم فإنه له وجاء. (رواه البخارى و مسلم)

“Wahai para pemuda! Sesiapa di antara kamu telah mampu berkahwin, maka bernikahlah. Kerana nikah itu dapat menundukkan mata dan memelihara faraj (kelamin) dan sesiapa tidak sanggup, maka hendaklah berpuasa kerana puasa itu dapat membendung syahwat.” (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Selain dari keinginan untuk berpasangan, keinginan untuk melakukan hubungan seksual juga merupakan salah satu fitrah manusia. Perkahwinan dalam Islam dapat membendung hubungan seksual di luar nikah atau zina yang menyebabkan pelbagai jenis penyakit dan masalah sosial dikalangan masyarakat. 

Hukum perkahwinan dalam Islam terbahagi kepada 5 iaitu:

Harus berkahwin

Untuk golongan yang tiada suruhan atau paksaan untuk berkahwin.

Wajib berkahwin

Tertakluk kepada golongan yang mampu (fizikal, mental dan kewangan) dan mempunyai keinginan untuk berpasangan. Golongan ini diwajibkan berkahwin untuk mengelakkan berlakunya maksiat. 

Sunat berkahwin

Bagi orang yang mampu untuk berkahwin dan telah cukup umur mereka, golongan ini digalakkan untuk berkahwin meskipun mereka dapat mengawal nafsu.

Makruh berkahwin

Golongan yang makruh berkahwin terdiri daripada orang yang tidak mampu memberi nafkah zahir dan batin kepada isteri namun keadaan mereka tidak memudaratkan isteri. 

Haram berkahwin

Terdapat juga hukum haram untuk seseorang berkahwin dan hal ini demikian kerana mereka tidak mampu untuk memberi nafkah (zahir dan batin) kepada isteri atau mereka tiada keinginan untuk berkahwin. Golongan ini diharamkan untuk berkahwin kerana dikhuatiri akan menyakiti isterinya kelak. 

Rukun Islam 5 perkara, rukun nikah bagaimana? 

Seringkali orang berkata, perkahwinan itu suatu ibadah, terutama sekali perkahwinan dalam Islam. Setiap ibadah mempunyai rukun dan syarat agar ibadah tersebut menjadi sah. Jika rukun Islam ada 5 perkara, begitu juga dengan rukun nikah. 

Rukun nikah terdiri daripada 5 perkara yang wajib ada iaitu pengantin lelaki, pengantin perempuan, wali, saksi, ijab dan qabul. Untuk setiap 5 perkara ini, terdapat syarat yang perlu ada untuk memastikan nikah yang dilangsungkan tidak mendatangkan kemudaratan pada hari kemudian. 

Syarat Bakal Suami Islam Lelaki Bukan mahram dengan bakal Isteri Bukan lelaki yang sedang dalam Ihram haji/umrah Tidak dipaksa Mengetahui wali yang sah untuk akad nikah tersebut Mengetahui bakal isterinya memenuhi syarat dan sah untuk dinikahi Tidak mempunyai empat orang isteri yang sah pada waktu saya sama Syarat Bakal Isteri Islam Bukan seorang khunsa Perempuan yang tertentu Bukan berada dalam tempoh iddah Tidak berada dalam ihram haji/umrah Tidak dipaksa  Bukan mahram dengan bakal suami Bukan isteri orang Syarat Wali Adil Islam Baligh Lelaki Merdeka Tidak fasik, kafir atau murtad Bukan dalam ihram haji/umrah Waras Tiada kecacatan akal fikiran atau gila Rela sendiri dan tidak dipaksa Tidak muflis atau ditahan kuasa atas hartanya Syarat Saksi Islam Lelaki Baligh Tiada kecacatan akal fikiran atau gila Merdeka Perlu ada sekurang-kurangnya dua orang wali Memahami kandungan lafaz ijab dan qabul Dapat mendengar, melihat dan bercakap (tidak buta, bisu atau pekak) Adil (Tidak melakukan dosa besar dan tidak berterusan melakukan dosa-dosa kecil) Syarat Ijab dan Qabul Dilakukan dengan perkataan nikah atau perkataan yang membawa maksud yang sama. Tidak dikaitkan dengan tempoh masa yang tertentu. Bukan dilakukan secara taklik. Tidak boleh menggunakan perkataan yang berupa atau membawa maksud berkias atau menyindir. Ijab diucapkan oleh wali atau wakilnya dan Qabul diucapkan oleh pengantin lelaki atau wakilnya (atas sebab tertentu) Qabul haruslah bersesuaian dengan lafaz ijab Diucapkan secara nyata, terang dan jelas. Qabul haruslah menyebut nama bakal isteri Tanggungjawab Suami dan Isteri mengikut Islam

Perkahwinan dalam Islam merupakan satu penyatuan antara suami dan isteri untuk membina masjid yang kukuh. Penyatuan tersebut datang dengan kehadiran tanggungjawab yang digalas oleh setiap pasangan untuk memastikan perkahwinan tersebut terurus dan sentiasa harmoni. Oleh yang demikian, Islam telah menetapkan tugas ataupun tanggungjawab yang wajib untuk untuk pasangan suami dan isteri yang boleh diikuti. 

Tanggungjawab wajib bagi suami Memberi nafkah zahir dan batin seperti menyediakan makanan & tempat tinggal kepada isteri serta anak-anak. Melayani isteri dan anak-anak dengan baik. Melindungi isteri dan anak-anak. Menjaga maruah keluarga dan harta benda Membimbing  serta mendidik isteri dan anak-anak dengan ajaran Islam Tanggungjawab wajib bagi isteri Patuh terhadap suruhan suami dan melayan suami dan anak-anak dengan baik Menumpukan sepenuh kasih sayang kepada suami dan anak-anak. Menjaga kebersihan rumah tangga dan kesihatan diri serta anak-anak. Menjaga amanah dan harta suami serta menyimpan rahsia hubungan rumahtangga. Berhias diri untuk tatapan suami dan menjaga aurat serta kehormatan diri. Kesimpulan

Sebagai seorang Muslim, dan seorang manusia yang mempunyai fitrah serta keinginan untuk berkasih sayang, sudah tentu kita impikan alam perkahwinan yang indah dan harmoni bersama jodoh kita sehingga akhir hayat. Perkahwinan dalam Islam telah menetapkan garis panduan yang boleh diikuti agar setiap rumahtangga yang dibina dapat kekal kukuh dan megah sehingga ke jannah, insyaAllah.

Zaman moden kini, pencarian jodoh bukanlah menjadi tanggungjawab ibu bapa semata, tetapi bakal pengantin juga boleh mencari jodoh mereka sendiri. Teknologi telah mengubah budaya dan aplikasi perkahwinan dengan kemudahan pencarian jodoh di aplikasi seperti Muzz dan juga dengan adanya aplikasi perkahwinan orang Muslim. Semoga setiap pasangan menemui jodoh yang baik & diredhai Allah, Amin.

Beyond Stereotypes: Understanding Arab Men through Cultural Lens

When looking to find a potential husband, you’re going to come across men that come from many unique cultures, either similar or different from yourself. Many questions can arise if you don’t have much knowledge about these cultures. 

Don’t stress! In this article, we’re going to discuss the richness of Arab culture and how the foundation of it influences Arab men to carry the familial and community-driven values they have. 

Marrying outside of your culture is a beautiful way to showcase your own culture while opening yourself up to someone else’s world. Although it is also known as being taboo, it is also considered a sunnah. Arab men are extremely diverse in their culture with each country having its spin on common traditions and different dialects of Arabic spoken. 

Table of Contents

Islamic Stance on Intercultural Marriages

Foundation of Arab Culture

Arab Men: Stereotypes vs. Reality

Getting to Know Someone Outside of Your Culture 

Arab Wedding Traditions 


Islamic Stance on Intercultural Marriages

The Quran states “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allâh is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa” [49:13]. 

We were created from different nations and ethnicities to discover one another through our cultures. Through culture, you find out how a person forms their lifestyle and beliefs, as well as their morals and values. 

Arab culture is known for its vibrant customs and hospitality. Arab men in particular are taught to hold chivalrous roles in the household, especially towards women. Respect is always at the forefront of Arab culture as they want to make everyone feel comfortable and welcomed in their presence. 

When you enter an Arab household, you’re going to be given the utmost respect. Your hosts are going to make sure you feel as comfortable as you can in their household and will be right by your side to offer you food, dessert and tea until you can’t eat anymore! This is only a sneak peek into their cultural values and how they treat each other. 

Foundation of Arab Culture

Family is the heart of Arab culture. Oftentimes in the media, we see many stereotypes and misconceptions about Arab men. They’re made to be portrayed as controlling and self-obsessed. You may also see that they have hyper-masculine traits, but these stereotypes steer those who are outside the Arab culture away from the truth. 

The media fails to depict the gentleness and loving attributes of a father towards his daughter, a son looking up to his mother’s loving attributes and a husband making it his mission to make sure his wife is valued and loved in their marriage. 

In Islam, we see clearly the role of the husband and wife in a marriage. We see that the husband’s job is to provide for his family and to make sure they never feel any lack. This directly challenges the stereotype that women are meant to be “slaves” in the household and are only present to serve the men. We see these values embedded into Arab culture through their generosity and eagerness to support their family in any way possible. 

Arab Men: Stereotypes vs. Reality

The media show us that Arab men thrive off of oppressing women, further driving a wedge between their real personas. Arab culture works with the rights of a woman and makes it known that wives, mothers, daughters, etc. are the foundation of a household and hold such a monumental role in the life of a man. 

Marrying women strong in their beliefs (religious and non-religious beliefs) is encouraged as these same women will help raise the next generation of families with this same belief system. Arab households want to ensure that their children grow up with the same strong attributes that both men and women possess. 

Related content: We make it easy to chat with Arab singles

A common theme is that Arab men are not supposed to show emotion, they’re supposed to present themselves as resilient and strong all the time. The question then poses, if emotion and vulnerability are not shown, then how are members of a household supposed to effectively communicate and grow community? 

Arab culture thrives off of community which begins at home. As the husband holding the head of household title, it begins with him as he collaborates with his wife to create a safe community for generations to come. 

Getting to Know Someone Outside of Your Culture 

Marriage and getting to know someone can feel like an overwhelming task, especially if you’re new to putting yourself out there. Culture serves as a great ice breaker if you’re speaking to someone with the same ethnicity as you. 

Related content: Finding Arab love has never been easier!

However, if you’re okay with meeting people outside of your culture, you may need to work slightly harder to find a common ground at the first meeting. Although many cultures share similar values, it is important to talk about these values so that person is informed. You can also learn a lot about marriage expectations through these cultural values. 

Don’t be afraid to speak about your experiences within your culture and the parts you would like to take into a marriage and parts you’d want to leave behind. Discussing culture aspects  in depth gives you insight into how understanding and accommodating someone is to your familial values and future lessons you want to teach the next generation. 

Arab Wedding Traditions

As mentioned earlier, each Arab country has its own set of cultural traditions, but they also hold many similarities that unite the cultures together.  Two of the more known Arab dominant countries are Saudi Arabia and Egypt. When it comes to Egyptian weddings, pre-wedding events such as the Laylat Al-hinna, also known as the “night of the henna party” are arranged for the bride to celebrate her upcoming big day. This tradition dates back centuries and is rooted in celebrating a happy and blessed marriage for the couple ahead. 

Related content: The Traditions of an Arabic Wedding

As for Saudi Arabian culture, they hold a similar ceremony called “Laylat al Ghumra” which holds the same significance and concept. The bride adorns herself with a beautifully embroidered dress and jewellery from her fiance. Friends and family join in the celebration in anticipation and happiness of the bride’s new chapter of life, which directly connects back to the foundation of Arab culture being family-oriented. 


It can be a unique experience getting to know someone from a different culture and we would hope you find it to be an insightful one as well. As Muslims, we put our religion first and want our deen to be the foundation of our marriage. Culture comes after that, and we hope to combine cultural values to supplement the religious values we’re bringing into our marriage. Through respecting one another, finding the beauty in each other’s cultures and improving each other through the values you possess, you’re bound to set yourself up for a successful marriage and healthy family for the next generation to come. 

أدعية تيسير وتعجيل الزواج للعزاب

الدعاء هو عبادة في الإسلام، والدعاء لاكتساب نعمة أو تسهيل وتيسير أمر في الدنيا والآخرة هو شيء دعانا إليه ديننا. الزواج هو واحد من أعظم غايات المسلمين. قال صلى الله عليه وسلم: “ما على الأرض مسلم يدعو الله تعالى بدعوة إلا أعطاه الله إياها، أو صرف عنه مثلها من السوء، ما لم يدع بإثم أو قطيعة رحم،” وقال رجل من القوم: إذاً نكثر من الدعاء؟ فأجاب: الله أكثر. ولذلك يفضل أن يدعو العزاب بتسهيل الزواج بنية خالصة لله وثقة بقدرته العز والجل. 

المحتوى ذو الصلة: دعاء رمضان

أفضل الأوقات للدعاء

ما هي أفضل الأوقات للطلب من الله و الدعاء؟ من أفضل الأوقات “جوف الليل، الساعة الأخيرة من الليل، ليلة القدر، دبر الصلوات المكتوبات، بين الأذان والإقامة، ساعة من كل ليلة، ساعة من يوم الجمعة وهي آخر ساعة بعد العصر، عند النداء للصلوات المكتوبة، إذا نام على طهارة ثم استيقظ من الليل ودعا، الدعاء في شهر رمضان، في السجود، بعد الصلوات المفروضة، عند السفر، بعد ختم القرآن، عند الإفطار من الصوم، عند نزول المطر”

المحتوى ذو الصلة: مواعيد الإمساك والإفطار في الجزائر

الدعاء لطلب الزواج 

وكثير منا يدعو الله ويتمنى الزواج من شريك حسن الأخلاق وتأسيس أسرة، فندعو بهذا الدعاء عندما نشعر بالوحدة أو نحتاج إلى الزواج وتأسيس أسرة. ويشجع الإسلام الشباب على الزواج، فقد قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: “يُسْتَجَابُ لأَحَدِكُمْ مَا لَمْ يَعْجَلْ، يَقُولُ: قَدْ دَعَوْتُ رَبِّي فَلَمْ يَسْتَجِبْ لِي” متفق عليه.

ولم يرد عن الرسول صيغة واضحة للدعاء بالزواج أو تسهيل الزواج. ومن المهم أن نثق بالله تماماً عند الطلب والدعاء. وإليكم هذه مجموعة من الأدعية لتسهيل الزواج…

المحتوى ذو الصلة: أمور هامة يجب مناقشتها قبل الزواج

دعاء سيدنا موسى تيسير الزواج 

“ربي إني لما أنزلت إلىّ من خير فقير”

أدعية تيسير الزواج للرجل والمرأة 

دعاء الرزق الوارد عن رسول الله –صلى الله عليه وسلم- هو وصية نبوية شريفة ، حيث حثنا على إحسان الظن بالله تعالى ، ونهانا عن اليأس والقنوط من رحمة الله عز وجل وألا يستسلمَ الإنسان وأن يؤمن أنّ كل أمره خير وأنّ القضاءَ والقدرَ بيدَ الله ربّ العالمين، وأن يلجأَ إلى الدّعاء لاستعادة تلك النِعم، ومنها دعاء الرزق كما كان يدعو النّبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فيقول: «لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير، اللهم لا مانع لما أعطيت ولما معطي لما منعت ولا ينفع ذا الجد منك الجد» رواه مسلم

اللهم اني أسألك بأني أشهد انك انت الذي لا إله إلا انت.. الأحد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد. اقضي حاجتي.. آنس وحدتي.. فرج كربتي.. اجعل لي رفيقا صالحا كي نسبحك كثيرا ونذكرك كثيرا فانت بي بصيرا. يا مجيب المضطر إذا دعاك.. احلل عقدتي.. آمن روعتي.. يا الهي من لي الجأ إليه إذا لم ألجأ الى الركن الشديد الذي اذا دعي أجاب. هب لي من لدنك زوجا صالحا.. اجعل بيننا المودة والرحمة والسكن.. فانت على كل شئ قدير. يا من قلت للشئ كن فيكون.. ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة.. وقنا عذاب النار.. وصلى اللهم على سيدنا محمد وعى آله وصحبه وسلم.

اللهمّ يا مطلع على جميع حالاتنا اقضِ عنّا جميع حاجاتنا، وتجاوز عن جميع سيّئاتنا وزلّاتنا، وتقبّل جميع حسناتنا وسامحنا، ونسألك ربّنا سبيل نجاتنا في حياتنا ومعادنا، اللهمّ يا مجيب الدّعاء، يا مغيث المستغيثين، يا راحم الضّعفاء أجب دعوتنا، وعجّل بقضاء حاجاتنا يا أرحم الرّاحمين.

يا لطيف فوق كل لطيف، الطف بي في أموري كلها، وفي أمر الزواج، فإنك قلت و قولك الحق أن الله لطيف بعباده يرزق من يشاء وهو القوي العزيز يا لطيف يا خبير يا عزيز.

اللهم إني أسألك بأسمك الأعظم الذي إذا سألك به أحد أجبته وإذا استغاثك به احد اغثته واذا استنصرك به أحد استنصرته، أن تزوجني يا أرحم الراحمين يا أرحم الراحمين يا ذا الجلال والإكرام

اللهمّ يا دليل الحائرين، ويا رجاء القاصدين، ويا كاشف الهم، ويا فارج الغمّ، اللهمّ زوّجنا، واغننا بحلالك عن حرامك، يا الله، يا كريم، يارب العرش المجيد، ارحمنا برحمتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين

اللهم إني أسالك بدعاء ذي النون يوم دعاك في ظلمات ثلاث ظلمة الليل وظلمة البحر وظلمة بطن الحوت فاستجبت له ونجيته لا إله إلّا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين، أن تيسر لى زواجي وتعجل لى بفرحتي

 اللهم إنى أسألك بخوفى من أن أقع بالحرام وبحفظى لجوارحى واسألك يا رب بصالح أعمالى أن ترزقنى زوجا صالحا يعيننى فى أمور دينى ودنياي فإنك على كل شىء قدير، اللهم اغفر ذنبى واحصن فرجى وطهر قلبى اللهم ارزقني بالزوج الذي هو خير لي، وأنا خير له في في ديننا ودنيانا ومعاشنا وعاقبة أمرنا عاجله وآجله

اللهمّ إليك أشكو ضعف قوّتي، وقلة حيلتي، وهواني على الناس، يا ربّ العالمين، أنت ربّ المستضعفين، وأنت أرحم الرّاحمين، وأنت ربي، إلى من تكلني إلى بعيد يتجهمني أم عدو ملّكته أمري إن لم يكن بك غضب عليَّ فلا أبالي غير أنّ عافيتك هي أوسع لي، أعوذ بنور وجهك الذي أشرقت له الظّلمات، وصَلُح عليه أمر الدّنيا والآخرة، أن يحلَّ عليّ غضبك، أو أن ينزل بي سخطك، لك العُتبى حتّى ترضى

اللهم إني استعففت فأغنني من فضلك بحق قولك تعالى: (وَلْيَسْتَعْفِفِ الَّذِينَ لَا يَجِدُونَ نِكَاحًا حَتَّى يُغْنِيَهُمْ اللَّهُ) (33) النور

“اللهم ارزقني زوجاً صالحاً واجعل بيننا من المودة والرحمة أفضلها، وارزقنا الصبر والحلم أكمله، واجعلنا على منابر من نور، وأسعدني معه وبقربه في الدنيا وفي جنة السرور، واهدنا يا الله لما فيه الخير والصلاح، وارحمنا برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين. اللهم بلطيف صنعك في التسخير وخفي لطفك في التيسير الطف بي ويسّر لي أمر الزواج وتمّمه بخير ولطف، واصرف عني السوء والشر إنك على كل شيء قدير

اللهمّ يا مطلع على جميع حالاتنا اقضِ عنّا جميع حاجاتنا، وتجاوز عن جميع سيّئاتنا وزلّاتنا، وتقبّل جميع حسناتنا وسامحنا، ونسألك ربّنا سبيل نجاتنا في حياتنا ومعادنا، اللهمّ يا مجيب الدّعاء، يا مغيث المستغيثين، يا راحم الضّعفاء أجب دعوتنا، وعجّل بقضاء حاجاتنا يا أرحم الرّاحمين

للهمّ يا دليل الحائرين ويا رجاء القاصدين، يا كاشف الهم ويا فارج الغمم، اللهمّ زوّجنا وأغننا بحلالك عن حرامك يا الله يا كريم يا رب العرش المجيد، وارحمنا برحمتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين.

أدعية الزواج للرجل

اللهم يا مسخر القوي للضعيف ولا مخرج الحي من الميت ويا مخرج الميت من الحي اللهم يا فاطر السماوات الأرض جاعل الملائكة رسلًا اللهم ارزقني يسر زواجي من امرأة صالحة تقر بها عيني ويحصن بها فرجي.

اللهم إني عبدك، وابن عبدك وابن أمتك، ناصيتي بيدك، ماضٍ في حكمك، عدلٌ في قضاؤك، أسألك بكل اسم هو لك سميت به نفسك أو أنزلته في كتابك أو علمته أحدًا من خلقك، أو استأثرت به في علم الغيب عندك، أن تجعل القرآن ربيع قلبي، ونور صدري، وجلاء حزني، وذهاب همي، اللهم يسر أمري واشرح صدري وارزقني الزواج عاجلًا غير آجل

اللهم إني أريد أن أتزوج فقدر لي من النساء من هي أعف، واحفظهن لي في نفسه ومالها، وأعظمهن بركة، وقدر لي ولداً صالحا تجعل له خلقاً صالحًا في حياتي ومماتي

اللهم إني عبدك، وابن عبدك وابن أمتك، ناصيتي بيدك، ماضٍ في حكمك، عدلٌ في قضاؤك، أسألك بكل اسم هو لك سميت به نفسك أو أنزلته في كتابك أو علمته أحدًا من خلقك، أو استأثرت به في علم الغيب عندك، أن تجعل القرآن ربيع قلبي، ونور صدري، وجلاء حزني، وذهاب همي، اللهم يسر أمري واشرح صدري وارزقني الزواج عاجلًا غير آجل والزوجة الصالحة يا الله

االلهم يا من تعلم السر وما يخفى يا من خلقت الشمس والقمر النجوم والمجرات ودحوت الأرض وجلعت من كل شيء زوجين إثنين أرزقنا الزوجات الصالحات يا رب العالمين. 

“اللهمّ يا مطلع على جميع حالاتنا اقضِ عنّا جميع حاجاتنا، وتجاوز عن جميع سيّئاتنا وزلّاتنا، وتقبّل جميع حسناتنا وسامحنا، ونسألك ربّنا سبيل نجاتنا في حياتنا ومعادنا، اللهمّ يا مجيب الدّعاء، يا مغيث المستغيثين، يا راحم الضّعفاء أجب دعوتنا، وعجّل بقضاء حاجاتنا يا أرحم الرّاحمين. اللهمّ ارزقني الزّوجة الصّالحة التي إن أمرتها أطاعتني، وإن نظرت إليها سرّتني، وإن أقسمت عليها أبرتني، وإن غبت عنها حفظتني في نفسها ومالي. اللهم سخّر لي زوج كما سخرت البحر لسيدنا موسى عليه السلام، وألن لي قلبه كما ألنت الحديد لداوود عليه السلام، فإنه لا ينطق إلا بإذنك، ناصيته في قبضتك وقلبه في يديك تصرفها كيف شئت

أدعية الزواج للمرأة 

 اللهم ازرقني زوجًا صالحًا ويسّر لي أمري بالزواج، اللهم ارزقني الصبر والفرج القريب لا إله إلا أنت ولا حول ولا قوّة إلّا بك. اللهمّ زدني قرباً إليك، اللهم زدني قرباً إليك، اللهم زدني قرباً إليك، اللهمّ اجعلني من الصّابرين، اللهمّ اجعلني من الشّاكرين، اللهم اجعلني في عيني صغيراً وفي أعين النّاس كبيراً. اللهمّ يا دليل الحائرين ويا رجاء القاصدين، يا كاشف الهموم يا فارج الغموم، اللهمّ زوّجنا وأغننا بحلالك عن حرامك يا الله يا كريم يا رب العرش المجيد، وارحمنا برحمتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين.

اللهمّ ارزقنا الزّوج الّذي يخافك، برحمتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين، اللهمّ ارزقني بزوجٍ صالح تقيّ، هنيّ، محبّ لله ورسوله، ناجحٍ في حياته، أكون قرّة عينه وقلبه، ويكون قرّة قلبي وعي

اللهمّ اشرح صدور أولاد آدم وبنات حواء اللهم ارزقني الزوج الصالح الذي تحبّه وترضاه وارزقني بالزّوج الذي هو خير لي وأنا خيرٌ له في ديننا ودنيانا ومعاشنا وعاقبة أمرنا عاجله وآجله، اللهمّ إنّي أعوذ بك من بواري وتأخّر زواجي وبطئه، وأسألك أن ترزقني خيراً ممّا أستحقّ كزوج وممّا آمل، وأن تقنعه وأهله بي وتقنعني وأهلي به.

يا من إذا قلت للشيء كن فيكون ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار اللهم إني أريد أن أتزوج فقدر لي من الرجال من هم اعف و أحفظهم لي في نفسي ومالي واوسعهم رزقا وأعظمهن بركة وقدر لي ولدا طيبا تجعل له خلقا صالحا في حياتي ومماتي

اللّهم إنه ليس في السماوات دورات، ولا في الأرض غمرات، ولا في الشجر ورقات، ولا في الأجسام حركات، ولا في العيون لحظات، ولا في النفوس خطرات، ولا في البحار قطرات، إلا وهي بك عارفات، ولك مشاهدات وعليك دالات، وبك والهات وفي ملكك متحيرات، فبالقدرة التي سخرت بها أهل السماوت والأرض، سخر لي قلب زوجي إنك على كل شيء قدير وبالاجابة جدير. اللهم مالك الملك، تؤتي الملك من تشاء، بيدك الخير إنّك على كلّ شيء قدير، رحمن الدّنيا والآخرة ورحيمهما، تعطيهما من تشاء، وتمنع منهما من تشاء، ارحمني رحمةً تغنيني بها عن رحمة من سواك، وازرقني زواجًا قريبًا يكون لنفسي طمأنينة وسكن. اللهمّ إنّي أسألك باسمك العليم إنّك عالمٌ بحالي، فبرحمتك يا رب يا رب يا رب زوّجني برجلٍ صالح يستر عليّ، ويكون قرّة عينٍ لي وأكون قرّة عينٍ له

اللهمّ ارزقني زوجاً واجعله حبيباً حليماً كريماً هيّناً ليّناً معي، اللهمّ اجعله أباً لي في الحنان، وأخاً لي في الطّاعة، وحبيباً في الفراش، واجعلني أمّاً له في الحنان، وأختاً له في الطّاعة، وحبيبةً له في الفراش  

في الختام، يمكننا القول بأن أدعية تيسير الزواج تعد من أقرب الوسائل التي يمكن للعبد أن يلجأ إليها لدعوة الله تعالى ليحقق له ما يتمناه. فالله تعالى قريب ومجيب، وهو القادر على كل شيء. ومع ذلك، يجب على العبد أن يتذكر أن الدعاء وحده ليس كافيًا، بل يجب عليه أن يبذل الجهود اللازمة ويسعى للأسباب المناسبة. كما ينبغي عليه أن يحافظ على حسن الظن بالله تعالى وأن يتحلَّى بالصبر على ما قدَّره الله له


Eid al Adha et Mariages au Maroc: Tradition et Festivités

Le Maroc est un pays qui, aussi moderne qu’il soit et à quelle vitesse il se développe, aime s’en tenir à ses traditions intemporelles, qu’elles soient religieuses ou culturelles. Dans ce blog, nous avons l’intention de vous plonger dans l’univers des traditions marocaines, que ce soit à l’approche de l’Eid al Adha ou en abordant notre thème préféré : les mariages ! Vous seriez étonné de découvrir les similitudes entre ces célébrations en apparence si différentes. Nous allons les explorer en détail et les relier les unes aux autres dans ce qui suit. 

La célébration de l’Eid al-Adha ou bien la fête du mouton au Maroc est une mosaïque vibrante d’observance religieuse, de retrouvailles familiales et de traditions culturelles. En 2024, cette fête islamique importante devrait avoir lieu mi juin, marquant un moment de foi et de festivités à travers le pays. L’Eid al Adha est très important, malgré la hausse des prix du mouton, les marocains ne passeraient jamais à cette occasion en raison de leur amour pour Allah swt. et de leur fierté pour leurs traditions marocaines. 

La fête de ce Eid al Kebir est annuellement célébrée le 10 Dhou Al Hijja. Au cœur de l’Eid al-Adha, on commémore la volonté du Prophète Ibrahim a.s de sacrifier son fils Ismaïl comme acte d’obéissance à Dieu. Dans une intervention divine, Dieu a fourni un bélier en sacrifice de substitution, mettant en avant des thèmes de foi, de dévotion et les valeurs de sacrifice et de soumission à la volonté divine. 

Table des matières

Les Préparatifs pour l’Eid al-Adha 

La Célébration de l’Eid al-Adha 

Les Mariages et L’Eid al-Aldha – Entre Foi et Festivités 

Vive la tradition, le respect pour l’islam et la communauté au Maroc 

Les Préparatifs pour l’Eid al-Adha 

Les préparatifs pour l’Eid al-Adha au Maroc commencent bien à l’avance, suscitant l’excitation dans tout le Maghreb. Un aspect essentiel est la sélection de l’animal sacrificiel. Les familles choisissent méticuleusement un animal en bonne santé et sans défaut, respectant les règles islamiques. Les marchés regorgent d’activité alors que les familles se réunissent pour choisir les meilleurs animaux, transformant le processus en un événement communautaire. 

Le nettoyage et la décoration des maisons sont également essentiels aux préparatifs. Les familles marocaines nettoient diligemment leurs maisons et les décorent de lumières et d’ornements, symbolisant la purification et la préparation à recevoir les bénédictions. Faire des achats de vêtements et d’accessoires neufs est également une partie vitale des festivités. Les marchés et les centres commerciaux fourmillent de personnes achetant de nouveaux vêtements pour honorer l’occasion. 

La nourriture est à l’honneur pendant les célébrations de l’Eid al-Adha. La cuisine marocaine, renommée pour ses saveurs riches, brille à cette période. 

Lors d’eid al adha les marocains sans exception savourent “Boulfaf” un plat traditionnel qui consiste de délicieuses brochettes de foie soigneusement grillées au charbon, le plat s’accompagne de différentes salades et un bon thé marocain à la menthe (atay maghrebi).

D’autres préfèrent accompagner “Boulfaf” avec “Tqalya” un plat typiquement marocain qui incarne l’essence des festivités d’Eid al Adha. 

Des plats traditionnels tels que le Mechoui (agneau rôti), le couscous et divers tajines ornent les tables aussi. Des délices comme la chebakia (biscuits au sésame) et le kaab el ghazal (pâtisseries aux amandes) ajoutent à l’esprit festif. Ces plats, entre autres, sont consommés pendant toute la fête de l’Eid et les semaines à venir. De nombreux Marocains conservent des portions au congélateur jusqu’à ce qu’ils les mangent à nouveau, car il est considéré comme haram de gaspiller de la nourriture. 

La Célébration de l’Eid al-Adha 

Le jour de l’Eid al-Adha commence tôt avec une prière spéciale à la mosquée, appelée Salat al-Eid, effectuée en congrégation, symbolisant l’unité et le culte communautaire. Le sermon qui suit souvent la prière met en avant l’importance du sacrifice, de la foi et de la charité. 

Après la prière, les familles exécutent à la maison le rituel Debi7, autrement connu sous le nom de rituel Qurbani. C’est ici que l’animal en question, qu’il s’agisse d’un mouton, d’une vache, etc., est sacrifié de manière halal. Entre autres facteurs qui définissent la manière halal de sacrifier l’animal, cette manière garantit que l’animal ne souffre pas. Le chef de famille réalise généralement le sacrifice, avec la participation des membres de la famille. La viande est ensuite distribuée aux amis, à la famille et à ceux qui en ont besoin, remplissant ainsi l’obligation religieuse de donner la sadaqah et de renforcer l’imaan. 

L’Eid al-Adha est un moment de retrouvailles familiales et de festins. Les familles se réunissent pour partager des repas, échanger des cadeaux et célébrer. L’atmosphère est remplie de joie et de chaleur, souvent accompagnée de musique et de danses traditionnelles marocaines. 

Les Mariages et L’Eid al-Aldha – Entre Foi et Festivités 

Le mariage occupe une place importante dans la culture marocaine, étroitement lié aux valeurs islamiques. L’Eid al-Adha, avec son accent sur la famille et la communauté, influence souvent les traditions de mariage. Les fiançailles et les mariages sont parfois planifiés autour de l’Eid al-Adha pour profiter de l’esprit festif et des rassemblements familiaux. (Et bien sûr, encore plus de cadeaux pour les mariés.) 

Le processus de fiançailles, appelé Khotoba, implique que la famille du marié propose formellement le mariage à celle de la mariée, marqué par l’échange de cadeaux tels que des bijoux et des douceurs. Il est aussi de tradition au Maroc d’offrir un mouton, voire plusieurs, à la famille de la mariée ou d’en sacrifier un lors du mariage.

Cela a souvent lieu pendant l’Eid, et la viande est généralement partagée entre les deux familles qui se rassemblent pour un dîner préparé par la famille de la mariée. Les traditions pré-mariage telles que la cérémonie du henna, où les mains et les pieds de la mariée sont ornés de dessins complexes, sont remplies de chants, de danses et de joie de la part de la famille et des amis.

Les mariages marocains sont des événements grandioses, souvent étalés sur plusieurs jours et mêlant rituels religieux et festivités culturelles. Le dreb sda9 ou bien Nikkah (contrat de mariage) est signé et des prières sont récitées, soulignant le caractère sacré de l’union. Le festin de mariage, L3errs ou Walimah, propose une variété de plats traditionnels, ainsi que de la musique et des danses. 

L’Eid al-Adha et les mariages au Maroc mettent tous deux en avant la foi, le sacrifice et la communauté, soulignant les liens familiaux et sociaux. Tout comme l’Eid al-Adha commémore la foi et l’obéissance d’Ibrahim envers Dieu, le mariage en Islam est vu comme une alliance sacrée nécessitant foi et engagement. Ces événements promeuvent la vie selon les principes islamiques et la recherche des bénédictions divines. 

Que ce soit à travers les prières communautaires et les sacrifices pendant l’Eid ou les rassemblements familiaux lors des mariages, ces célébrations favorisent les liens sociaux et cultivent un sentiment d’appartenance au sein de la communauté marocaine. 

Vive la tradition, le respect pour l’islam et la communauté au Maroc 

En conclusion, l’Eid al-Adha et les mariages au Maroc ne sont pas simplement des événements isolés, mais plutôt des célébrations qui unissent la foi, la soumission, le sacrifice et la communauté. À travers les prières, les sacrifices, les festins et les traditions matrimoniales, ces occasions renforcent les liens sociaux et familiaux, cultivant un profond sentiment d’appartenance au sein de la communauté marocaine. Que ce soit en honorant la tradition religieuse de l’Eid al-Adha ou en célébrant l’alliance sacrée du mariage, les Marocains continuent de perpétuer leurs coutumes avec fierté, rappelant ainsi l’importance de la tradition et de la communauté dans leur vie quotidienne. 

متى عيد الأضحى 2024 ؟

يُطلّ عيد الأضحى المبارك هذا العام حاملاً معه نسائم الفرح والبهجة، حيث يتزين المسلمون في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها بأجمل حُلل الإيمان، احتفالاً بهذه المناسبة الدينية الجليلة التي تُخلّد ذكرى خُلُق إبراهيم عليه السلام وتضحيته العظيمة.

حيث يُزيّن المسلمون بيوتهم استقبالاً لعيد الأضحى المبارك، ويحرصون على شراء الأضاحي وتوزيعها على الفقراء والمحتاجين، تعبيرًا عن التراحم والتكافل.

وتتزين موائد العيد بأشهى الأطباق المُحضّرة من لحم الأضحية، وتُقام زيارات العائلة والأقارب، وتُوزّع العيديات على الأطفال، في أجواءٍ يملؤها البهجة والسعادة.

متى عيد الأضحى 2024 ؟

تُشير التوقعات الفلكية إلى أنّ عيد الأضحى المبارك لعام 1445 هـ سيُصادف يوم الأحد 16 جوان/حزيران 2024. وغالبًا ما تتفق عموم الدول العربية والإسلامية على موعد عيد الأضحى، على العكس من موعد عيد الفطر الذي يُختلف على تحديده بدقة. 

ولكن يبقى التأكيد النهائي على موعد العيد مرهونًا برؤية هلال شهر ذي الحجة، حيث تعتمد بعض الدول على الرؤية الشرعية للهلال لتحديد بداية كلّ شهرٍ هجري، بينما تعتمد دولٌ أخرى على الحسابات الفلكية.

متى عيد الأضحى 2024 في الجزائر ؟

أوّل أيام عيد الأضحى المبارك في الجزائرالمعروف بالعيد الكبير سيكون يوم الأحد 16 يونيو 2024، بينما سيكون الوقوف على عرفة في اليوم السابق، أي يوم السبت 15 يونيو 2024 حسب هيئة البحوث الفلكية في الجزائر. وبما أنّ عيد الأضحى يُعدّ من أهمّ الأعياد الدينية في الجزائر، فقد أعلنت السلطات الجزائرية عن منح عطلة رسمية بمناسبة حلوله، تبدأ من يوم الأحد 16 يونيو 2024 وتستمرّ حتى يوم الثلاثاء 18 يونيو 2024.

متى عيد الأضحى 2024 في المغرب ؟

أول أيام عيد الأضحى في المغرب هذا العام، سيكون الإثنين 17 يونيو المقبل، الموافق لـ10 ذي الحجة من سنة 1445 هجرية. سوف يستفيد الموظفون في المؤسسات العمومية للاستمتاع بأربعة أيام كعطلة رسمية خاصة بعيد الأضحى، حيث ستمتد هذه العطلة من يوم 17 يونيو 2024 إلى 21 يونيو 2024.

متى عيد الأضحى 2024 في مصر ؟

تشير الحسابات الفلكية التى أعدها معمل أبحاث الشمس بالمعهد القومى للبحوث الفلكية الى ان الاحد الموافق ل 16 يونيو هو اول ايام عيد الأضحى. و هاهي رزنامة اجازة عيد الأضحى حسب ما وضحته السلطات المصرية في بيان رسمي: 

السبت 15 يونيو : وقفة عرفات

الاحد 16 يونيو : أول أيام عيد الأضحى

الاثنين 17 يونيو : ثاني أيام عيد الأضحى

الثلاثاء 18 يونيو : ثالث أيام عيد الأضحى

الأربعاء 19 يونيو :  رابع أيام عيد الأضحى

الخميس 20 يونيو :قد يتم احتسابه إجازة بقرار مجلس الوزراء

الجمعة 21 يونيو : عطلة أسبوعية

السبت 22 يونيو ؛ عطلة أسبوعية

متى عيد الأضحى 2024 في قطر ؟

وفقًا للحسابات الفلكية، يوم الأحد الموافق 16 يونيو 2024 هو أول ايام عيد الأضحى في قطر.

بحسب موقع البوابة القانونية القطرية، فإن عطلة عيد الأضحى تبدأ في اليوم التاسع من ذي الحجة، أي يوم السبت 15 يونيو وتستمر حتى نهاية اليوم الثالث عشر من شهر ذي الحجة أي 19 يونيو 2024.

متى عيد الأضحى 2024 في السعودية ؟

جميع المؤشرات تشير ان عيد الأضحي سيكون يوم الأحد الموافق 16 يونيو 2024، و من المنتظر أن تدعو السلطات السعودية لتحري هلال ذي الحجة مساء الخميس 6 يونيو/حزيران المقبل من أجل تأكيد اول أيام عيد الأضحى.

و من المتوقع أن تبدأ الإجازة الرسمية في السعودية يوم الأحد 16 يونيو/حزيران 2024، لكن من غير الواضح ما إذا كانت ستستمر حتى نهاية يوم الأربعاء 19 من الشهر ذاته، أو تمتد حتى نهاية يوم السبت 22 يونيو/حزيران، في انتظار الإعلان الرسمي.

ماهي سنن عيد الأضحى ؟ صيام يوم عرفة. ذبح الأضحية. التطيب والاغتسال يوم العيد. التكبير. صلاة عيد الأضحى. مخالفة طريق الذهاب والعودة من الصلاة. تبادل التهنئة وتأخير الأكل لبعد الصلاة خاتمة: 

يُعدّ عيد الأضحى المبارك مناسبةً دينية عظيمة تُجسّد معاني التضحية والامتثال لأوامر الله تعالى، وتُعزّز أواصر المحبّة والتآخي بين المسلمين في مختلف أنحاء العالم.

و اذا ما اردتم قراءة مزيد من المقالات الذي تهتم بالزواج و التقاليد، زوروا مدونتنا العربية من هنا

كل عام وأنتم بخير، وكلّ عيد أضحى مبارك عليكم.

The Top Halal Fast Food Chains Across Three Continents

Today, we’re embarking on a delicious adventure into the realm of halal fast food – where every bite is a burst of flavour and every meal is a celebration of tradition. So, grab a seat, loosen your belt, and get ready to dig into some seriously tasty eats with us!

Related content: What does halal mean?

Alright, let’s kick things off with a big question: what’s the deal with halal fast food? Well, my friends, it’s all about combining the bold, vibrant flavours of traditional Islamic cuisine with the quick and convenient vibe of your favourite fast-food chain. Think succulent shawarma wraps, crispy falafel, and juicy halal-certified burgers – it’s a flavour fiesta, and everyone’s invited!

Looking for the ultimate destination for top-notch halal fast food in your country? Look no further – we’ve got you covered!

Table of contents

Top Halal Fast Food Chains in Canada

Top Halal Fast Food Chains in the US

Top Halal Fast Food Chains in the UK

Top Halal Fast Food Chains in Australia


Top Halal Fast Food Chains in Canada Paramount Fine Foods

With multiple locations across Canada, Paramount Fine Foods offers a diverse menu of Middle Eastern cuisine, including traditional dishes like shawarma, kebabs, and falafel. Their commitment to halal standards ensures that all their meat is prepared according to Islamic dietary laws, making it a popular choice for halal-conscious diners.

South St. Burger

With locations across Ontario and Alberta, South St. Burger offers a delicious selection of gourmet halal-certified burgers made with 100% pure beef. From classic cheeseburgers to specialty creations, their menu caters to burger lovers of all kinds. Plus, they use fresh, premium ingredients to ensure every bite is packed with flavour.

Bamiyan Kabob

With locations in Ontario, Bamiyan Kabob is a family-owned restaurant chain that serves up Afghan-inspired cuisine made with halal-certified meat and fresh, flavorful ingredients. From tender kabobs to hearty rice dishes and savoury stews, their menu reflects the rich culinary heritage of Afghanistan and offers a delicious taste of traditional Afghan flavours.

Z-Teca Gourmet Burritos

The next halal fast food spot we recommend that Serves up fresh and flavorful halal-certified burritos, tacos, and bowls is Z-Teca Gourmet Burritos! It has become a go-to spot for Mexican-inspired fast food in Canada. With locations in Toronto and Ottawa, they offer a customizable menu with a variety of protein options, including halal-certified chicken and beef, making it easy to create the perfect meal to suit your taste buds.


Sumaq is a halal-certified Iraqi restaurant located in Toronto. They offer a variety of authentic Iraqi dishes, including ceviche, grilled meats, and flavorful rice dishes, all made with halal-certified ingredients and traditional Iraqi spices.

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Top Halal Fast Food Chains in the US The Halal Guys

Originating from a humble food cart in New York City, The Halal Guys have expanded to numerous locations across the United States. They are known for their iconic chicken and beef gyro platters, served with rice, pita, and their famous white and hot sauces. The Halal Guys offer a delicious and convenient option for halal street food lovers.

Paradise Biryani Pointe

Paradise Biryani Pointe is an Indian fast food chain that has made a name for itself in the U.S. by offering authentic Indian dishes prepared with halal meat. Their menu features a variety of biryanis, curries, and tandoori dishes, with the chicken biryani being a standout favourite. They also serve vegetarian options, making it a versatile choice for different dietary preferences. The chain has locations in several states, including New Jersey, Texas, and California​.

Charcoal Flame Grill

This Chicago-based restaurant specializes in halal Mediterranean and American cuisine. Charcoal Flame Grill offers a diverse menu including gyros, burgers, and grilled chicken, all halal-certified. Their blend of Mediterranean spices and traditional American fast food elements creates a unique and flavorful dining option. With a focus on fresh ingredients and halal preparation, Charcoal Flame Grill is a top choice for those seeking variety in halal fast food.

Pizza Twist

Pizza Twist is known for its innovative take on traditional pizza, incorporating Indian flavours and ingredients into its offerings. All their meats are halal-certified, and they offer a wide range of pizzas, including options like Chicken Tikka Masala Pizza and Paneer Pizza. With locations across the United States, Pizza Twist has become popular for those seeking unique, halal-friendly pizza experiences​.

Dave’s Hot Chicken

Dave’s Hot Chicken specializes in spicy chicken tenders and sliders, all certified halal. With locations across major cities in the U.S., it has become a popular choice for halal fast food​. It’s a favourite for its well-seasoned fried chicken​!

Top Halal Fast Food Chains in the UK Chopstix

With locations across the UK, Chopstix is a halal-certified fast food chain specializing in Asian-inspired cuisine. Their menu includes a variety of noodle and rice boxes, stir-fries, and sides, all made with fresh ingredients and bold flavours for a satisfying meal on the go.

Patty & Bun

Patty & Bun is a popular burger joint with locations in London and Brighton, offering a range of mouthwatering burgers made with halal-certified beef and chicken. From juicy beef patties to crispy fried chicken, their menu features a variety of gourmet burgers served with fresh toppings and homemade sauces.

Yard Sale Pizza

Yard Sale Pizza is a popular pizzeria with locations in London, offering a range of gourmet pizzas made with a variety of halal options! From classic Margheritas to creative toppings like nduja sausage and honey drizzle, Yard Sale Pizza offers something for every pizza lover.

My Lahore

With branches in Bradford, Leeds, Manchester, and Birmingham, MyLahore is a halal-certified restaurant serving up delicious Pakistani and Indian cuisine. From hearty biryanis to flavorful curries and wraps, MyLahore offers a taste of authentic South Asian halal cuisine in a casual dining setting.


We couldn’t make a list for the UK without adding Nandos! Known for their flame-grilled Peri-Peri chicken, Nando’s offers a flavorful and halal-friendly dining experience. Their menu features a variety of chicken dishes, from tender chicken wings to juicy chicken sandwiches, all marinated in their signature Peri-Peri sauce and grilled to perfection.

Top Halal Fast Food Chains in Australia Oporto

Oporto is a popular fast-food chain in Australia known for its Portuguese-inspired flame-grilled chicken dishes. With locations across the country, Oporto offers a variety of halal-certified options, including chicken burgers, wraps, and grilled chicken meals, all served with their signature sauces.

Kebab Zone

Kebab Zone is a halal-certified fast-food joint with locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. They are known for their delicious kebabs, wraps, and plates, featuring options such as chicken, beef, lamb, and falafel, all served with fresh salads and sauces.


With locations in Sydney, Mamak is a well-known spot for Malaysian cuisine. They serve a variety of halal dishes including roti, satay, and curry, making it a popular halal fast food choice for both locals and tourists​!

Wildfire Pizza

Situated in Georges Hall, Wildfire Pizza serves a variety of halal-certified pizzas. It’s perfect for pizza lovers who want to enjoy gourmet flavours without compromising on halal standards.

Extra Crispy Chicken

Located in multiple areas including Merrylands and Lakemba, this halal fast food joint offers American-style fried chicken that is 100% halal. Extra Crispy Chicken is a great option for those craving crispy and juicy fried chicken​.


So, there you have it, folks – a taste of the wonderful world of halal fast food! From savoury shawarma to crispy falafel and everything in between, halal cuisine is all about flavour, fun, and good times with great people. So, the next time you’re craving something delicious and culturally authentic, why not give halal fast food a try? Trust me, your taste buds will thank you.

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