March 29, 2020
Since the dawn of romance and human interaction, two facts have remained consistent: long distance relationships are difficult and they aren’t for everybody. Since the COVID-19 began to rock the ordinary lives of people all over the world, with some countries even going into complete lockdown, it’s time we addressed the phenomena of dating in a time of quarantine and social distancing.
You might be reading this with a special someone in mind. Maybe you’ve just started talking to them and the inability to meet in person feels like a massive obstacle, or maybe you’ve known each other for a while and you were planning your wedding – either way, you’re reading this because you care. You’re determined not to let this situation get in the way of a blossoming love. If you’re stuck with ideas on how to continue dating, here are 5 ways:
You won’t find your soulmate on this blog post but you might find them on Muzz - the world’s biggest Muslim dating and marriage app.
We may be on lockdown, but to some degree normal life has to go on. Whether you’re working from home or not, and whether you’ve got other commitments to attend to, you’ve got to make time for your relationship. If you were used to calling or texting according to a schedule that suits you both, continue that. Your basic structures for communication don’t need to break down because life has changed. Make the effort to carve out some space in your day to have a meaningful conversation.
You may enjoy video calling with your significant other; get creative by planning a virtual date. Light some candles, dress comfortably, and give each other your undivided attention.
With the gift of technology, alhamdulillah, you can have movie nights with people who are thousands of miles away. Schedule a movie or documentary to watch together, press play at the same time, and talk about it in real-time by texting or being on the phone. It can be comforting to enjoy your favourite movies and tv shows with the person you like. They can also spark interesting conversations about things you’ve never thought of before.
If your love language is gift-giving and words of affirmation, then you’ll really like this one. Find a simple A4 envelope and fill it with love letters and small inexpensive gifts. Maybe you know that their favourite chocolate bar has run out in their local shop but you’ve managed to get your hands on it. Maybe you want to send them your favourite small perfume, or incense you know they’ll like. Whatever it is, now is the time to be thoughtful and creative.
Love letters are a lost art, but perhaps this could be to revive this traditional way of courting. Take some time to quite the madness of the world and pour your heart out in a letter.
This one is for the guys and girls who claim to be big foodies in their bios! With restaurants closed, there is no excuse to keep eating the same chicken curry every day of the week. Grab a recipe book or online recipe, and decide on what to make together with your potential. Stay on video call as you prepare your meal and continue to chat as you sit down to enjoy the fruits of your labour. This can be a fun way to learn more about each other and share your favourite meal ideas.
God willing, this pandemic will eventually come to an end and life will go back to normal. For now, keep the hope alive. Speak to your potential about the future and the things you hope to accomplish together. Maybe there are travel destinations you want to visit once you’re married? Jot those destinations down. Make a vision board for the future and factor in what you would like your lives to look like. Remember that as much as we can plan our lives to the finest detail, we should remember to have tawakkul and trust in Allah. Allah is the best of planners and his divine decree will always be supreme.