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The Power of the Mind: How to Lead a Happy and Healthy Life

August 10, 2020

Happiness must come before success. Think with me. If success is a major factor in happiness, do you agree that when you reach a goal or goals, you will fall into boredom and need to reach another goal and so on? This isn’t healthy, because it eventually turns into a repetitive cycle! Now, think backwards. If happiness drives your life, success comes as a consequence. The article I have prepared for you will focus on the topic of mind’s power and how it can serve us as a weapon against negative thoughts. Here are some points to think about.

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Ways to Change Our Mindset from Negative to Positive

“Having a negative mindset will eventually lead you to live an unhappy life and suffer from depression”, says Erin R. Lovett, a productivity blogger.

It can even influence the decisions you make in your personal and professional life. To avoid being overwhelmed and controlled by negativity, here are five basic steps change your mindset and become more positive:

  • Accept that your thoughts need to be adjusted
  • Identify your negative thoughts
  • Flip the switch
  • Start small
  • Get comfortable with failure. It’s not the end of the world.

Practices that Will Help People Lead a Happy and Healthy Life

When it comes to health and happiness, anyone can be the cause or the effect. When we feel happy, we are more likely to be healthy. And vice versa. You don’t have to have just one answer to this. There are several simple attitudes and changes that you can implement in your daily life, even if gradually, until it becomes a habit.

Choosing to be healthy and happy is an opportunity that you give yourself to live life in a more connected and loving way. In the beginning, it may require a little dedication and persistence. Here are 7 steps for this:

  • Conscious consumption
  • Healthy lifestyle through food
  • Drink more water
  • Practice self-knowledge
  • Exercise your body
  • Take care of mental and emotional health
  • Experience Holistic Therapies.

Things to Let Go in Order to Live A Happy Life

Is life complicated or do we complicate it? When we stop doing the wrong things and start doing the right things, life becomes easier to live. So, try starting today to eliminate some habits and reduce complications while living.

To live with well-being and constantly growing, we should learn to let go of situations or people that do not offer us quality of life. “Faced with the loss of something we were used to, fear and uncertainty appear”, says Clarence K. Crowder, a health writer. Here are two points to keep in mind that I find crucial in order to be happier:

1) The Question Trap:

Usually, letting go is not an easy task. Many people cannot accept losing something or someone that mattered to them dearly. When this happens they ask questions and go looking for answers.  “Why don’t you want us to speak as before? Why did you stop loving me?”  We need explanations, arguments, we usually press to get what we want, and all of this is caused by a lack of acceptance.

People who value us and want us will continue to be with us without having to make an effort. Therefore, the belief that in order to have something we have to sacrifice is wrong, because unrequited sacrifice brings frustration and stagnation. You will notice that something is worthwhile when everything flows naturally, in a reciprocal “give and take”.

2) Let Ideas Go:

Often, instead of letting everything flow, we strive to make things happen our way. If we had not overthought, we would probably enjoy life more, because we would dedicate ourselves to living the moment as it is, without trying to change it. Accepting everything as it is, we would only focus on enjoying the moment; we would adapt to what exists and we would not try to adapt reality to us.

Being happy and healthy is something we all aspire to. It is very likely that when asked “What is your goal in life?” most of us would respond – to be happy! But sometimes that “small and modest” goal seems light years away. The good and bad news is this – it’s all in our heads. Even when it seems impossible to look on the bright side of things, in fact, we have 100% of the power to transform the way we see life.

Kristin Herman is a tech enthusiast and a lifestyle writer. She writes articles for online magazine and blogs, such as, and others.

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