Muzz Blog | community | Do Muslims Celebrate Christmas?

Do Muslims Celebrate Christmas?

December 24, 2020

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Christmas is one of those topics that Muslims all around the world can have very different opinions on. Some Muslims in the community go all in and embrace the Christmas vibes from putting up a tree to cooking up a huge Christmas (halal) dinner! Others on the other hand avoid it like the plague.

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If you live in a Western country, Christmas is something that can’t be avoided. There are Christmas movies, decorations, and songs everywhere… and I’m pretty sure your workplace has treid roping you in to secret santa and whatever Christmas social they’re throwing. But rather than focusing on the ongoing debate over whether Muslims can celebrate Christmas or not, lets focus on something else: the fact that Christmas day is a holiday. That’s right, no school, no work, it’s just a day to catch up with friends and family. And after the year we’ve had, I think we can all appreciate a day like that!

Here are some tips on how to make the most of Christmas day, whether you’re celebrating or not:

1) Spend Time With Family And Friends

Throughout the majority of 2020 we have been in one lockdown after the other, and when we’re not in a lockdown, we still have to socially distance from our family and friends. It’s been a super tough year, and that’s why we should make the most of Christmas day. If you’re living in the West, you most likely have Christmas and Boxing Day holidays, meaning that everyone’s going to be at home chilling, because well… there’s nothing else to do!

In some countries, the usual social distancing rules are changing for Christmas, allowing more people to come together (if you’re in the UK and are in tier 4…sorry this sadly doesn’t apply to you) so make sure to take advantage and catch up with your family and friends who you haven’t seen in a while, but also make sure to stay safe and follow all the guidelines.

2) Get On Muzz

Now you just know this list wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t add this in! What better time to download Muzz and find your life partner than now?! You’ve got time off; you’ll probably be bored at some point and it’s almost a brand new year. Don’t start it single! We have so many cool new features for you to try out, make sure you take advantage!

3) Watch Your Favourite Movies

I think we can all collectively agree that the best thing about Christmas (even if we don’t celebrate it) has to be all the films and special shows that come on TV! No matter how old we get, I think we can always appreciate the greats like Shrek, and Harry Potter. So make sure you grab a hot chocolate and tune in to all your favourite films and shows… After all,  you deserve to treat yourself after that year you’ve had!

4) Embrace The Haters

Unfortunately, whether you do or do not choose to celebrate Christmas, Muslims get hate either way sometimes. Some non-Muslims may say we don’t have the right to celebrate Christmas, or berate us for not celebrating at all. We also get hate sometimes from our own Muslim brothers and sisters if we decide to partake or not. But always remember that aggressive behaviour is contrary to Islamic teachings. Instead, use these opportunities as a way to start important conversations by opening up about your beliefs and begin breaking down barriers that can exist.

5) Celebrate The Ending Of 2020

I’m sure we’ve all been counting down for 2020 to end, and it’s finally happening! 2021 brings with it promises of a better future. With the Covid vaccine being released, it seems like we may actually be able to put this pandemic behind us Inshallah. Either way, this is the perfect time to reflect upon the past year and thank Allah for what has gone well for us (e.g. our health, our jobs, our family), and think about what we want to improve next year. So let’s get started on that new year’s resolution list which we all know will last approximately a week into January!

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