Muzz Blog | relationships | Dear Muzz: How to choose between 2 guys

Dear Muzz: How to choose between 2 guys

May 16, 2023

Salam Muzz community! You’ve been getting some advice from our awesome agony aunties for a while, but we thought we’d give them a break and mix it up a bit!

Say hello to our amazing success couple, Ellia and Youssef! They're gonna be taking over and answering all your juicy questions for the next few weeks! Get ready for some real talk and hilarious stories!

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Disclaimer: Just keep in mind, our advice is based on their own opinions and experiences, so take it with a grain of salt and use it at your own risk!

Dear Muzz,

What do you do when you're talking to 2 very interesting/compatible people?


Ellia says:

I have spoken to many people who have been in the same situation. The advice I give them is one of two.

Number one - listen to your gut – it knows what it’s doing! In a situation like this, there will most certainly (not always) be one person which you will be a little more fond of for whatever reason. In this case, you have to go with your gut and chose the person who has that little edge – there must be a reason why, right?

Second bit of advice is, if your gut isn’t speaking to you then you need to become more strategic and treat them like candidates. You have to start filtering out between them. When you have two compatible suitors that you can talk to easily and get along with well, you have to start weighing up the pro’s and con’s of each person – dig deep and see if they’re really a good match for you.

Like always, talk to Allah about it too, ask Allah for guidance. You don’t want to spend your time trying to progress things with two people at the same time, you will end up mentally and emotionally drained which may lead you to make irrational decisions, resulting in no potential spouse at all.

Thank you to Ellia and Youssef for answering this question! If you've found success on Muzz and would like to take part, or if you have any questions or need any advice, feel free to drop us an email at: [email protected]

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