Muzz Blog | relationships | How to Find a Soul Mate in 2020

How to Find a Soul Mate in 2020

August 7, 2015

Marriage is a blessing Alhamdulilaah (praise be to Allaah). We all know however that in this day and age getting married can sometimes be challenging. Where and how do you find a good, righteous husband? There are definitely some etiquette one should observe when seeking to find a suitable spouse. My advice is always to start by making dua (supplication) and to wholeheartedly believe that your dua (supplication) will be accepted. Followed by being patient.

Of course you want to put in a little effort and get help from your reliable friends, family members, the local masjid and NOW the Muzz app. For those of who you who haven’t heard of the app it’s a hybrid of Islamic matrimonial sites and mainstream dating apps, making it very convenient. Don’t get me wrong I would never recommend sisters to look for a spouse online. Nonetheless this app caught my attention due to having a couple features that I can really respect.

Firstly the guardian also known as the wali, being able to set up a member’s account. The wali/guardian then receives an e-mail of all the messages that have been sent and received on that account, as well as the matches. Now if your wali is your dad or brother this might make for some really interesting dinner table conversations.

Secondly it also has a behavior filter, any offensive language used by members in their messages will be automatically deleted and inappropriate conversations can be reported. Intrigued by this I downloaded the app and before I entered my phone number for the verification process, I  realized my husband might not really appreciate me registering to this app in the name of research. I may never know if a married man looking for a second/third or fourth wife has to specify that information so sisters can know beforehand ‘cus aint no one got time for sister wife drama’.

If anyone has used the app or is still using it please do let us know whether or not you would recommend it!


Looking for your soulmate?

You won’t find your soulmate on this blog post but you might find them on Muzz - the world’s biggest Muslim dating and marriage app.


Muzz is better on the app!

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