Muzz Blog | relationships | Raghad Found Her Husband In Less Than Twenty Four Hours On Muzz!

Raghad Found Her Husband In Less Than Twenty Four Hours On Muzz!

May 27, 2021

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Raghad and Ibrahim met on Muzz on July 21st 2020. She had downloaded the app and in less than 24 hours she found her fiance Mashallah! We asked them questions about their Muzz experience- hopefully these can help you on your journey to finding the one!

1) What were you looking for on Muzz and how long were you both on there for?    

Looking for your soulmate?

You won’t find your soulmate on this blog post but you might find them on Muzz - the world’s biggest Muslim dating and marriage app.


Ibrahim:  ” A wife – Roughly 2 years” His profile said “I’m hoping to find that cool hijabi that can both influence my deen in a good way while also being a companion and a friend. I want someone with ambitions, goals, and a passion for what they want to do.”    

Raghad: “A potential husband. I had installed the app less than 24hrs ago when I met him.” My profile said “Wanted: Partner in Crime & Kitty Lover”

2) What drew you to each other’s profiles ?

Ibrahim: “The simplicity of her profile, and how she didn’t have an overabundance of emojis or ‘loyalty'” When I asked him about why he instant chat me instead of a regular swipe, he said “Well the meow was an interesting hook. But I was really piqued when I read ‘cats and creativity’. Just really felt like you were worth the shot after that. It speaks your personality instead of the others on this platform that “want loyal man ❤️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼”

Raghad: “His instant chat message was a pretty strong hook”

“Looking further into his profile, I liked what he said about ‘not looking for a maid or a nanny or a cook’. I also noticed we had several things in common; our love for cats, our creative professions, and the type of activities we enjoy.”

3) What was your first meeting like?    

Ibrahim: “Exciting, we had already been talking for a good while and I was feeling more and more confident as that date got closer”    

Raghad: “My heart was racing so fast and my hands were shaking. I couldn’t believe that the voice I’m used to hearing over the phone is now inside my house. It took 3 tries of going into the room to meet him then shying away for me to finally sit down in front of him.”

4) When did you know you wanted to get married?  

Ibrahim: “When I had landed my first stable job, I decided it was time to start looking for a companion. I had been by myself for 7 years and felt it was the right time to start looking”    

Raghad: “The suitor requests were getting annoying and I decided to take matters into my own hands. It had been 9 months since I’ve graduated university and thought it was a good time to actively seek a partner.”

5) Any tips for members using the app?    

Ibrahim: “Don’t give up, and make sure that you always ask the hardest questions first as to not get attached before things fall apart”  

Raghad: “Beware of those who are only looking to have fun. Make sure to ask what that person is looking for first and follow your gut. Take your time getting to know all the important things about them and don’t be pressured into something you’re not comfortable in doing.”

Thank you so much to Raghad and Ibrahim for sharing their story- we hope this will help you to find your spouse (A tip we can all take from this- less emojis in the bio!)

If you’re a Muzz success and want to share your story, get in touch: [email protected]

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