Amara & Taaha | #muzzpayformywedding Giveaway
Amara and Taaha met on Muzz in June of 2022 and were married in May of 2023.
My name is Yasmeen and I found my husband, Taymoor, on Muzz on the last day of last ramadan. We were both divorced.
The first time we talked on Muzz was in June and we got married one month later in August 2018. I always wanted to send our story to inspire others who are searching for a good husband and wife.
We are both Egyptians, from Cairo, we even work & live very near to each others in New Cairo city. I am a digital marketing manager and Taymoor is an IT manager. I am 37 years old and he is 40.
I have a daughter who is 12 years old, and I was searching for a real Muslim man who would be a good husband and father. Finally I found Taymoor, who is a good man and a good Muslim, he is very kind.
I am telling my friends that I found someone who really looks like me from the inside. He was divorced and also has a kid, who is 5 years old. When we first chatted on Muzz we spoke for over 6 hours, he was surprised much we got on, he even thought that this was a prank!
I couldn’t believe that I finally found the man I was looking for. The first time we met, was after Eid al futr, in the House of Cocoa, as Taymoor knew that I loved chocolate. We talked about ourselves for over six hours, I did not want to leave and neither did he.
After we met I told my family and friends, and he did too. He and his family visited us and we got married in only two months, I never imagined that I would find my soulmate and marry him that fast.
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I always wanted to find a man to trust and love, after being a single mom for years, I found out that my dream man was hard to find, but alhamdullah I found him on your app.
Alhamdullah, we are very happy together, my daughter lives with us and his son visits us on the weekends. You cannot imagine how much I am now recommending Muzz to all my friends.
It didn’t even take me long to find my husband. I used the app for almost one month or less.
I am so happy alhamdullah now that I married a real muslim I always wanted.
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Amara and Taaha met on Muzz in June of 2022 and were married in May of 2023.
Sherfinaz & Nur met on Muzz in 2022 and are planning on getting married in 2023.
Sulaiman & Fatima met on Muzz in September 2022 and were married in February 2023.