Muzz Blog | relationships| Page 3


Dear Muzz: I only want to marry someone from the same ethnicity as me.

The agony aunties are back to answer more of your pressing questions! The two aunties answering your questions today have an acclaimed wealth of knowledge on dating and Muzz, as they have both been on

Dear Muzz: My Wife and Mum Are Always Fighting #SuccessCouple Edition

For the past few months you have been receiving advice from our amazing agony aunties, but we have decided to switch things up and let our wonderful success couples answer some of your questions! For the

Dear Muzz: Tired Of Being Rejected!

It's finally here! The agony aunt you never knew you needed 😉 For a long while now we have been receiving emails, requests, DMs for relationship advice, so we are officially launching our very own advice

How To Have A Successful (And Halal!) First Date

Your palms are sweaty, knees weak, and arms are heavy. There’re sweat stains on your shirt already. You’re nervous. You’re not listening to an Eminem rap… No, you’re getting ready for your first Muzz date.

The Halal: Haram Ratio. Is It Really Important?

Have you ever heard the saying “Too halal for the haram, but too haram for the halal”? That was literally my biggest issue during my husband's hunt. It was so hard finding someone with the same haram and

What is Love?

It is not very easy to answer and many spend much of their lives trying to seek something that is other than what it is. I suppose I could say it is a feeling, but how many feelings do we have each day

Adjusting to Marriage: Tips for Moving in Together as a Married Couple

Weddings are known as “the big day” for a reason. You're not only changing the status of your relationship with your significant other, but you're also committing to lifelong changes in each domain of

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Building a Healthy Relationship

In a nutshell, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify and label your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. But why is this relevant to the success of a marriage? Well, you’d

Questions to ask potentials: A guide to marriage Part 2

This is part 2 of a Muzz members guide on how to find someone using Muzz, based on his own experiences. For part 1 tap here Getting to know someone is the most important part of the process, there are

Dear Muzz: I Can't Do Long Distance #SuccessCouple Edition

For the past few months you have been receiving advice from our amazing agony aunties, but we have decided to switch things up and let our wonderful success couples answer some of your questions! For the

You Don’t Have to Ghost Your Match On A Muslim Dating App During Ramadan

Are you dating during Ramadan? When Ramadan rolls around every year it fills us with hope for a new season of growth and learning from our mistakes. Ramadan is a time when many single Muslims worldwide

10 Red Flags that a Muslim Player Won’t Marry You

Sarah officially started her professional career by working in a small news agency in her city. As a fresh graduate, she was profoundly happy about her new job. She felt as if her four years of hard work

7 Muzz Bios No One Wants To See On A Muslim Dating App!

So you’ve been on Muzz for a while now and you’re still not getting matches, or you feel like you’re not attracting the right people? Have you taken a look at your “about me” section? Because this really

How I Escaped My Unwanted Arranged Marriage

That’s right, I have been lucky enough to find someone I love on this unique app. Sure it hasn’t been an easy road, filled with awkward conversations, confusing responses, self-doubt, and some hilarious

#muzzsuccess: Aishat and Ibrahim

Thank you to Aishat and Ibrahim for sending in their story. The Muzz team are extremely pleased, and we wish the couple all the best in their journey together as husband and wife, insha’Allah. We pray

I Lied About How I Met My Husband...

Like many of you reading this, I am a Muzz member... well, I was. Alhumdillallah I found my husband on the app, but when asked about how I met him, I lied. Was it a good lie? No, I just said we had met

Dear Muzz: I Hate My FiancĂŠs Mum!

For the past few months you have been receiving advice from our amazing agony aunties, but we have decided to switch things up and let our success couples answer some of your questions! For the next few

Dear Muzz: She Unmatched After I Revealed My Photos.

We've recruited some of our fabulous success couples to help you out with all your love problems and questions, no matter how big or small. This week we have Nafeesah and Ismail answering your questions,

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