Muzz Blog | relationships| Page 7


The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Finding Love As A Single Muslim

So, you’ve decided that you're ready to get married. To find that perfect person to spend the rest of your days growing old with… but you have no clue how to go about it. It’s the 21st century, people

How to Detox Yourself of a Toxic Relationship

At the start, you're both so happy and everything seems beautiful; you are literally looking at the world through rose coloured glasses. This usually happens at the beginning of the relationship, where

He cancelled the Nikah without any explanation: Part 2 #NotABrideTodayButSomeday

Muzz member Shasha shares her story of how her wedding was cancelled 3 weeks before the date without any good reason. She decided to be strong and still have her wedding photoshoot alone, as a sign of

He cancelled the Nikah without any explanation: Part 1 #NotABrideTodayButSomeday

Muzz member Shasha’s wedding was cancelled by her fiancé 3 weeks before the wedding date without any good explanation. Though this was a hard time for Shasha, she stayed strong and brave, and decided

When Someone Breaks Your Heart: How To Heal From The Heartbreak

“I still recall the first time we met in person, it was as if the world around me had ceased to exist and all I could focus on was how incredibly blessed I was to be standing next to the man who loved

Stay Safe and Catch a Bae, Not Covid, This Winter

Disclaimer: This blog is specifically aimed at our members in the UK- however, seeing as social distancing is happening pretty much everywhere in the world, and each country has their own different set

Hijab and Red Lipstick is a cautionary tale of why you shouldn’t get married to escape

In my debut novel, Hijab and Red Lipstick (Hashtag Press), the main character is a young British Egyptian woman called Sara who desperately tries to escape her controlling father by looking for a husband.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ghost Your Friends!

By Saira Khan Sometimes it's easy to get caught up with our own life and forget about others. Maybe we're busy with work or a new relationship, and we end up forgetting to reply or check up on our friends...and

How To Avoid Danger on Muzz

By Yousra Imran One of my parents’ biggest qualms about using an Islamic matrimonial app like Muzz was about safety. “People on online marriage sites lie,” Dad told me, “you could be talking to anyone,

What NOT to say to a convert on Muzz

They say completing half your deen is a beautiful experience, but as a revert, I’ve experienced so much scrutiny and judgement that it has become the most dis-heartning experience. For some background

How To Survive A Long Distance Relationship- Tips From A Success Couple

Sabz met her husband on Muzz back in 2019, and married in 2020. They were engaged in a long distance relationship; She was in Canada and he was in the US. The first time they got to meet each other was

Spouse Suffers From Depression: How To Support Them

Today is World Mental Health Day (10th October), so it feels like the right time to talk about depression. Depression is a debilitating illness. For the person dealing with it, it could literally transform

The Coolest Insider Tips for Picking the Wedding Venue of Your Dreams

Looking for the perfect venue for your wedding can be an exciting yet intimidating task. There is a huge pool of options for you, including rustic barns, historic hotels, or beachside locations for you

7 Tips For Maintaining A Friendship Within A Marriage

Should your spouse be your best friend? Research has found that marriages based on friendships are more likely to be successful. Maybe this is because that initial feeling of "being in love" fades with

How Writing about Your Relationship Could Help it Last?

Love is always in the air – whether you believe it or not. The Internet is filled with modern day love stories. Be it #WeMetOnMuzz or 'we married over Skype', love has no boundaries. Having said that,

There’s Beauty in Our Differences

In life we go through changes. Our hairstyles, music, and even taste buds change –I went from hating soymilk to loving it (well, I still don’t love it, I tolerate it). The same goes for our visions of

Self-Love & Autonomy In Marriage: Part 2

Haven't read part 1 yet? Click here to catch up! In part 1 of my blog I discussed the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries within a marriage, to allow both partners to grow individually without

Self-Love & Autonomy In Marriage: Part 1

Autonomy: Independence in one's own thoughts or actions. Autonomy is rarely addressed in marriage but it has the greatest impact on a relationship. In a healthy, meaningful marriage both partners should

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