Chicago: This Afterparty is Jokes w/ Hassan Phills
Yes - to help us ensure verified members attend, and also to help ensure an even gender ratio at our events, all tickets are exclusive to Muzz members. So download the app and create your profile for free. It takes two minutes. Once done - head over to Menu → Events to grab your ticket!
Tap the buy a ticket button - if you don't already have the Muzz app it'll direct you to download it.
Create your Muzz profile quickly and easily - don't worry, it won't cost a thing and ensures you'll be able to browse all attendees after the event.
Once done, head over to Menu → Events to purchase your ticket.
Once the event is over, the guest list will be unlocked and you will be able to browse, match and chat to all attendees in a dedicated area of the app.
Your privacy is important to us - there is no need to swap phone numbers and personal information at our events.
Share your Muzz QR code (Menu → Share my QR code) in the app to instantly match with someone you’re interested in on Muzz and carry on chatting. No more having to swap phone numbers anymore.
If you made new guy, or girl friends, or want to reach out to someone you were interested in after the event, head over to the Events section in the Muzz app to browse the unlocked guest list to chat to all attendees in a dedicated area of the app.
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