Baat Pakki Islamabad (ammi included)
Muzz Events (12) |

Baat Pakki Islamabad (ammi included)

Baat Pakki Islamabad (ammi included)

03 May 2025 5:00pm GMT+5

Die Dauer der Veranstaltung beträgt 4 Std

Islamabad, Pakistan

Event Details

Bring your ammi’s with you on this ammi and singles event 🩷 Get a chance to connect and meet other mothers and singles.

👵🏻 Bringing Ammi Jee is zaruri
We're creating a safe space for all single men and women (and their ammis), please don't show up alone!

🥰 Ammi Lounge and Singles Lounge are SEPERATE
We understand how important it is for you guys to communicate which is why we have separate lounges for singles and moms. Who knows - Maybe we'll have a match?
If you can’t bring your mom, bring an elder sister or a female guardian from your family. Bring your CNIC cards with you.

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