Muzz Blog | relationships | Is Valentine’s Day Haram For Muslims?!

Is Valentine’s Day Haram For Muslims?!

February 8, 2021

Ok ok, right from the start let’s address the fact that we know many Muslim’s believe that valentine’s day is haram, and then there are Muslim’s who think it’s fine and celebrate it. Valentine’s day is a super controversial topic within our community, and I think it’s safe to say there will always be some disagreement on whether we can celebrate it or not… but really valentine’s day is just another day. Another day to get to know someone you’re talking to, another day to show your spouse you appreciate them (but maybe with gifts 😉), so why should we not go on as normal on that day?

1) Get dressed up!

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I’m pretty sure  for the past year the whole world has agreed on one dress code: Joggers and hoodies, especially for those of us working from home. They’re so comfy and easy to wear, but for this date night, let’s get dressed up!

Organise with your potential significant other an activity for the evening, such as a home cooked meal over a video call, and set a dress code for the evening. Feel free to go all out with your nicest outfits that you haven’t had the chance to show off in a while. This really is your chance to pull out all the stops after months of chilling in tracksuits. Make sure you take advantage (and take lots of photos!).

2) Get something cooking!

We know that usually most people’s ideal outing for valentine’s day is a romantic meal at a restaurant, but that’s a little bit tricky these days… so how about this year you switch things up and  attempt a home cooked meal! You could try to cook the same dish and dine together over a video call, or if you have a more competitive nature, you could compete on who could make the best meal- you’re very own version of Masterchef! There are so many fun recipes out there to try. Grab a cook book, hop on Pinterest, or even check out TikTok for some meal inspo!

We all know the way to the heart is through good food, am I right?

3) So cooking’s not your thing…well there’s always take away!

Lets be honest, we can’t all be amazing chefs… and let’s not pretend that if we were really on a date in person, we would rather be at a restaurant. So that leaves us with one other option: Get a take away! As long as you’re both doing an activity you enjoy together and can bond over it, then it doesn’t matter if you’re having a home cooked meal or a take away 🙂

4) Film Marathons!

This year valentines day falls on a sunday, meaning that there will be great movies being released and you have a whole day off to enjoy them!! Cuddle up on your own separate sofas (keep it halal guys!) and tune in to some great movies together that you can discuss over a video call, or Netflix party!

5) Create a bucket list of things to do in the future

This is a fun activity that also shows your both committed to being together in the future. Create a bucket list of all the things you want to do together (with getting married right at the top of course). There are even super cute scratch off bucket lists you can buy! Thinking ahead to the future is always super exciting.

6) Romantic strolls

Depending on where you live, and what step you’re on in your relationship, why not go on a romantic stroll? (please follow Covid guidelines in your country). Go for a walk around the neighbourhood and explore all the hidden gems you didn’t know existed… and seeing as it’s winter and cold, grab a hot chocolate to warm you up!

7) Surprise each other with gifts (or a gift voucher if you’re not ready to give out your address)

Ok we know not all of you would be up for this as you don’t all celebrate valentines day, but gifts are an amazing way to show someone you care for them, and they can really brighten someone’s day… besides it’s the sunnah to give gifts:

The Beloved wife of the Prophet (SAW), Aisha (RA) has narrated that he said “Exchange presents with one another. Presents remove ill-will from the hearts.” (Tirmidhi)

Happy valentines day from the Muzz team!  Remember to always:

Muzz is better on the app!

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