Muzz مدونة | relationships| Page 4


How I Escaped My Unwanted Arranged Marriage

That’s right, I have been lucky enough to find someone I love on this unique app. Sure it hasn’t been an easy road, filled with awkward conversations, confusing responses, self-doubt, and some hilarious

#muzzsuccess: Aishat and Ibrahim

Thank you to Aishat and Ibrahim for sending in their story. The Muzz team are extremely pleased, and we wish the couple all the best in their journey together as husband and wife, insha’Allah. We pray

I Lied About How I Met My Husband...

Like many of you reading this, I am a Muzz member... well, I was. Alhumdillallah I found my husband on the app, but when asked about how I met him, I lied. Was it a good lie? No, I just said we had met

Dear Muzz: I Hate My Fiancés Mum!

For the past few months you have been receiving advice from our amazing agony aunties, but we have decided to switch things up and let our success couples answer some of your questions! For the next few

Dear Muzz: She Unmatched After I Revealed My Photos.

We've recruited some of our fabulous success couples to help you out with all your love problems and questions, no matter how big or small. This week we have Nafeesah and Ismail answering your questions,

Dear Muzz: I'm Afraid of Heartbreak and Divorce #SuccessCouple Edition

For the past few months you have been receiving advice from our amazing agony aunties, but we have decided to switch things up and let our wonderful success couples answer some of your questions! For the

Dear Muzz: I Lied About How We Met

Our success couples are answering your questions! Who better to give advice than people who have already been in your shoes, and actually found love on Muzz?! Today we have success couple Nafeesah and

Dear Muzz: How to choose between 2 guys

Salam Muzz community! You’ve been getting some advice from our awesome agony aunties for a while, but we thought we’d give them a break and mix it up a bit! Say hello to our amazing success couple, Ellia

Dear Muzz: I Have A Phone Phobia

The agony aunties are back to answer more of your pressing questions! The two aunties answering your questions today have an acclaimed wealth of knowledge on dating and Muzz, as they have both been on

Dear Muzz: What's Wrong With Ghosting?! We All Do It!

The two aunties answering your questions today have an acclaimed wealth of knowledge on dating and Muzz, as they have both been on the app. Found Love On Muzz has, you guessed it, actually found love on

Dear Muzz: What Does It Mean When He Says He Just Wants To Be Friends?

We know finding the one can be hard, which is why we have our agony aunts helping you out and answering your questions along the way! The two aunties answering your questions today have an acclaimed wealth

Dear Muzz: I'm Tired Of Searching!

We understand how challenging it can be to navigate the dating scene, especially when searching for a potential spouse. We recently received a message from someone who has been struggling with this very

Dear Muzz: He’s asking me for nudes?

We know that relationships can be tricky to navigate, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like intimacy. Recently, we received a message from someone who has been chatting with a guy she met

Dear Muzz: Should I Wait For Him?

Salam Muzz community! We received a message from someone who has been talking to a guy on WhatsApp for one year. They get along well, have had voice and video calls, and even met once. However, she's unsure

Dear Muzz: Ghosted On A Muslim Dating App After Spending $4000!

It's finally here! The agony aunt you never knew you needed 😉 For a long while now we have been receiving emails, requests, DMs for relationship advice, so we are officially launching our very own advice

Dear Muzz: He Keeps Bringing Up Sex On A Muslim Dating App!

It's finally here! The agony aunt you never knew you needed 😉 The two aunties answering your questions today have an acclaimed wealth of knowledge on dating and Muzz, as they have both been on the app.

Dear Muzz: Blocked Because Of My Past.

It's finally here! The agony aunt you never knew you needed 😉 The two aunties answering your questions today have an acclaimed wealth of knowledge on dating and Muzz, as they have both been on the app.

Dear Muzz: Help Me Start A Conversation!

It's finally here! The agony aunt you never knew you needed 😉 The two aunties answering your questions today have an acclaimed wealth of knowledge on dating and Muzz, as they have both been on the app.

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مسلم أعزب
تطبيق المسلم الأعزب
مسلم شيعي
زواج مسلم
تطبيق زواج المسلم
المواعدة المسلم
تطبيق المواعدة المسلم
المواعدة الإسلامية
حب العرب
مواعدة عرب
دردشة مع عرب